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Very interesting to read, even if I am not yet in the immobile age and as usual in excellent donkey quality! đŸ„• @ccf What I would still be interested in how you came to the figures of the falling purchasing power of 3.6 million to a 1 million, these are namely for me amazing numbers I actually do not have as so drastic on the plan (or had now)😅
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@Minusgeschaeft the formula is actually quite simple: x*1.02^60=3,500,000 1.02 is the annual loss in value due to 2% inflation. 60 is the 60 years under consideration and 3.5 million is the target value. We are interested in the initial value, which is the target value given the 2% inflation in 60 years. That is x. And x is in this case a little bit more than 1 million. You can calculate it with Wolframalpha without deep mathematical knowledge.
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@DonkeyInvestor thanks for the explanation, actually some mindblowing just for me, at least the extreme of it
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@Minusgeschaeft yo, I can understand that very well. It was also mindblowing for me. And now have fun calculating how much the 6% return on your world portfolio makes 😁 (and of course what it costs not to invest).