
An update on the portfolio after crossing the next thousand. Still nice and boring with only 7 positions (2 ETFs and 5 individual stocks).

Long-term investment strategy with an investment horizon of another 15-18 years. From then on it would slowly move towards retirement. I have been invested since 02/2023.

The ETFs as my main investment with currently just under 40% and the goal of reaching 50-60% at some point.

  • $VWRL (-0,2 %) FTSE All-World (UPDATE) which has now replaced the MSCI World in order to keep the US below 60% in the long term.
  • $VUSA (-0,3 %) S&P 500 extra to take advantage of slightly higher returns compared to the All-World.

Plus a handful of individual stocks:

  • $MSFT (+1,15 %) long-term blue chip growth with a small dividend. (savings plan)
  • $8001 (-0,47 %) long-term strong growth and a decent dividend. (savings plan)
  • $ALV (+0 %) as a long-term runner with a decent yield and very good dividend. (savings plan)
  • $NOVO B (-1,34 %) (UPDATE) with us since August.
  • $PLTR (+0,68 %) as a long-term tech bet with +59% so far/since November. Additional purchases when opportunities arise. (UPDATE) In July I had said goodbye to $IOS (+1,49 %) (at 26.02) - among other things because too much tech overall.
4 160,11 €
11,44 %
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11 Commentaires

Keep up the good work. Looks pretty good
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Keep up the good work. The squirrel eats hard! Are you unwilling or unable to invest more?
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@Ayecaramba256 can't. As the house, children, savings and fun are the most important assets 😉
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@NoBobble although I did save an extra €300 at the beginning of September 😊
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Beautiful portfolio a la keep it simple 👍
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Thank you. Yes, I think so too and I'm having fun with it now. I was once on the road with 10 individual positions. That was nothing on balance. With five stocks that are established and stable and that you have a good overview of, I think you can gain one or two euros in the long term.
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@NoBobble That's right, you wrote above that you have a house and a child. Capital preservation is more important👍
What is the ratio of FTSE All world and S&P500?
At first glance, this leads to a clearly overweight US share. Is this known and intentional?
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@Webda wanted. Currently 35% ETF. Should be 30%. Would like to take advantage of the better performance of the S&P. Combination All-World + S&P is currently 1Y 1.x% better than MSCI World, which I had before). See also dividends and TER. USA for me approx. 56% and will be kept below 60 in the long term.
@NoBobble If this was a deliberate and conscious decision, then go for it.

Just make sure that you optimize (not only) for the 1Y return. You can quickly end up with a pseudo outperformance because you are forecasting past performance for the future. The better performance in the example is of course due to the overweighting of the (currently) very well performing tech stocks in the USA.
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@Webda Yes, exactly. 1Y now compared to the start of the setup in August. I will track this accordingly.
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