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@BearStearnsCFO well who marks SOS at every post and people stupidly anmacht in the comments I think can also such a thing times off ;) that has nothing to do with self-esteem but simply with some provocation back since you obviously like to do that yourself. And I think I'm quite successful and can judge for themselves what is really relevant and what is not.
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@TradingMelone @BearStearnsCFO this mutual SOS spamming always reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMoA1o3lDyA
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@Fabzy haha. I have as far as I know but never dropped an SOS ;) But you know just when you always talk big I find it only justified if you're just times for it ausgecalled. Since I would not complain. Wrong lie is normal but there you have to stand then just too.