
Calculated: Own your own home or stay a tenant?

Part 1

There are many reasons for deciding for or against a property for owner-occupation. Owning your own property is often also a question of your preferred lifestyle. However, this series of articles is all about the financial aspect of the decision. You will learn how to make a financially sensible renting or buying decision in your individual situation and how to calculate it yourself. This first part is all about the basics. It shows you everything you need to consider when making your decision:

  • The alternative investment to owning a home (spoiler: you're on GetQuin and should know it)
  • Which costs are incurred when buying a property or renting and are relevant for a comparison
  • Which parameters and variables need to be taken into account and, if necessary, estimated
  • How reasonable assumptions can be made for these parameters and variables
  • How to calculate the assets of the buyer, the tenant and the difference between them
  • What should be taken into account when comparing the assets generated

In the 2nd part ( https://app.getquin.com/activity/evjQvBldso ) I will illustrate what I have learned with a real example. This part will help you to apply the considerations from Part 1 correctly in practice for your individual buy or rent decision:

  • Detailed calculation of a real-life example
  • Step-by-step adaptation of this example to make it gradually more realistic

As many parameters can only be estimated and the housing situation varies greatly from region to region, we will take a look at these aspects in the 3rd and final part of this series ( https://app.getquin.com/activity/GEBmMewkKS ):

  • Effects of changed parameters on the result
  • Sketching realistic scenarios that tilt the example from part 2 in the other direction
  • Calculating further examples, which are welcome to come from the community
  • Conclusion

Renting vs. buying - the basic idea

You often hear arguments such as "Everyone pays off a house in the course of their life - either their own or their landlord's" or "Buying is always worthwhile, I then pay the rent into my own pocket and live rent-free for the rest of my life once the financing is complete". At first, of course, this sounds logical. But it's worth taking a second look. Financing a property for owner-occupation usually requires a high level of equity, which cannot be invested on the capital markets, as well as a loan, the repayment of which incurs considerable interest. In addition, property owners have to reckon with costs for modernization and maintenance, which a landlord is not allowed to pass on to the tenant. The tenant therefore has a high starting capital compared to the owner, which generates a corresponding return and does not have to be used to avoid debt. In addition, the monthly rent is often - at least in the first few years of financing - lower than the amount that a buyer has to pay for repayments, interest and maintenance. This difference can also be invested profitably on the capital markets. Is this advantage sufficient for the tenant to build up assets that will later cover the monthly rent and perhaps even more? We take a look at this in this series of articles.

Costs, parameters and variables

For the tenant the following expenses must primarily be taken into account:

  • basic rent
  • Deposit (this cannot be used to generate capital income)
  • If renting an apartment in an apartment building, additional operating costs such as elevator maintenance may be incurred
  • Moving costs, if applicable

The tenant also depends on the following variables to be estimated:

  • Yield on the capital market
  • Development of the rent

A buyer has to reckon with these costs:

  • Opportunity costs for the equity
  • Purchase costs of the property
  • Incidental purchase costs (land transfer tax, notary fees, land register entry, estate agent's commission)
  • surveyor
  • Interest on a loan
  • Additional operating costs, if applicable, if an apartment is purchased in an apartment building. For example, costs for property management or elevator maintenance.

The buyer must also estimate these variables:

  • Maintenance costs (carrying out necessary repairs, e.g. new roof to maintain the value of the property)
  • Modernization costs (e.g. retrofitting the heating system or converting the attic to increase the value of the property)
  • Conditions for follow-up financing

If the property is sold over the years, sales costs may still be incurred:

  • Small items such as an energy certificate, extract from the land register, ...
  • Costs for valuation
  • estate agent's commission
  • Cancellation of the land charge
  • Early repayment fee if an existing loan is canceled
  • Removal costs

If a sale is planned, the value of the purchased property must of course also be estimated.

For both tenants and buyers are relevant

  • Inflation
  • Legal changes, e.g. with regard to taxation

However, the latter in particular cannot really be estimated and are therefore ignored in this article.

What about costs such as waste disposal charges or insurance?

Costs that are passed on to the tenant by the landlord via the ancillary costs (e.g. garbage charges, insurance, property tax, heating costs, etc.) or costs that the tenant bears directly in most cases anyway (e.g. electricity and internet costs) are irrelevant. These are incurred when using a property yourself or are passed on to the tenant by the landlord, which is why they can be ignored.

Are there any other financial aspects?

Yes, but these are very individual, difficult to quantify and are therefore not taken into account in the calculations. However, they can be relevant in individual cases. These include the following

  • Buyers often afford more living space than tenants. In this case, not only should the purchase and rental costs of two identical properties be compared, but also the purchase costs of a slightly larger property with the rental costs of a slightly smaller property.
  • Buyers often invest in higher quality and therefore more expensive fixtures and fittings than tenants.
  • Buyers often accept a longer commute to work, which results in higher transportation costs.
  • Consequential costs of insurance claims that are not covered. For example, accommodation costs in the event of water damage.
  • Relocation is not so easy for a buyer, which is why lucrative job offers that are not accessible from their own property may not be taken up.
  • Depending on the buyer's manual skills, repair costs can be low or high - depending on how much the buyer can do themselves.
  • Financial contributions from the family, which are only made in the event of the purchase of a property, represent a possible advantage for buyers. For example, the granting of an interest-free loan or gifts of money.
  • As a property buyer, you are subject to a positive compulsory savings contract. You have to pay the monthly installment to the bank. Even in the event of unplanned unemployment, illness or other increased costs / reduced income. If there is no longer enough money to go to the movies, then there is no longer enough money. If you save monthly in a world portfolio, you may be tempted to reduce the savings rate in such cases and go to the movies after all.
  • ...

How can plausible values for the variables be determined?

Many values can be easily determined, e.g. the amount of the rent or the purchase price, the expected ancillary costs per federal state, credit conditions, ... However, some aspects are not yet known, which is why assumptions have to be made for them.

About the developments on the capital market there is valid historical data. Even if future performance may deviate from this, it still gives an indication of how much return could be achieved with capital market investments. If we take the MSCI World, [1] suggests that an increase in value of approx. 5 - 7% per year is realistic. In [2], the annual, inflation-adjusted (!) increase in value of a global equity portfolio is put at 5.2% over the last 120 years and 7.6% from 2010 to 2019. Of course, you can also simply select the index of your choice on the website of your choice and have the performance displayed there.

The development of rents and purchase and sale prices of real estate is unfortunately very difficult to substantiate with historical data. One of the reasons for this is that real estate is more subject to local conditions and, unlike shares in the MSCI World, you cannot simply live in the global average. To make matters worse, there is a lack of independent statistics going back more than a few years. Unfortunately, this is particularly dangerous. Due to the recency bias phenomenon, we attach more importance to events in the recent past than to events that happened longer ago. In other words, we instinctively assume that rents and real estate prices will continue to rise at the same rate due to the high increase in recent years. This is where the regression to the mean catches us off guard, as it states that value trends converge in the medium and long term. Years with above-average returns are therefore followed by years with below-average returns and vice versa. [2] assumes inflation-adjusted (!) annual increases in the value of real estate in Germany of 0.6% between 1970 and 2020 and 5.3% between 2011 and 2020. A few lean years could therefore follow, especially in an environment of rising interest rates.

Let's take a look at the rental prices 3] assumes increases of between 2.1% (first occupancy) and 2.7% (re-letting) per year over the last 31 years. Only new lettings are considered here. Existing rents generally rise far less sharply [2]. In [2], the inflation-adjusted (!) rent increases for new and existing rents in Germany from 1998 to 2018, excluding modernizations, are estimated at less than 0.3% per year. According to [4], inflation averaged 1.37% per year during this period.

Let's stay directly with the inflation. Here, too, it helps to look at the past, which according to [4] has been 2.5% for Germany over the last 62 years. If we only look at the last 20 years, we arrive at a value of around 1.5%. At the same time, the ECB's target of 2% inflation in the medium term should also be taken into account when determining a sensible value [5].

Let's move on to maintenance. Opinions differ on the amount. There is often talk of a flat rate per square meter, which - depending on the age of the property and who you ask - is between 0.60 and 1.50 euros per square meter per month. However, many practitioners criticize the much too tight calculation here and instead refer to Peters' formula. This is based on 1.5 times the production costs of the property within 80 years. Note that production costs are different from the purchase price of a property + land. Assuming that the production costs are 2,000 euros per square meter, this results in monthly maintenance costs of 2,000 euros * 1.5 / 80 / 12 = 3.125 euros per square meter. What seems unrealistic in both approaches is the constant value, which does not increase over time in line with inflation / the current value of the property. In [2], Gerd Kommer considers an annual reserve of 1.5% - 2.5% of the current value of the building section to be sensible. If the property is very old, in a poor structural condition, has high-quality fittings or is detached, the maintenance costs are more likely to be higher and closer to 2.5%. If we continue to assume production costs of 2,000 euros per square meter, Kommer believes that reserves for maintenance of between 2,000 euros * 0.015 / 12 = 2.50 euros and 2,000 euros * 0.025 / 12 = 4.17 euros per square meter and month are appropriate. These should be adjusted for inflation and expressly do not include the costs of modernizations.

The conditions of follow-up financing are unfortunately impossible to predict today. In principle, every buyer should work out how high the interest rates can rise at most so that the budget is still sufficient. If the personal risk of sharply rising interest rates is considered critical, you can buy lower interest rates by locking in interest rates for a long period. Alternatively, there is also the option of a building society savings contract as a hedge.

How can the two investments be compared?

The calculation of whether renting or buying is worthwhile is made in several steps/parts.

Buying a property:

  • Full purchase costs of the property = purchase costs of the property + ancillary purchase costs + surveyor
  • Amount of the loan = Full purchase cost of the property - equity
  • Initial monthly interest = amount of the loan * interest rate / 12
  • Initial monthly repayment = Amount of the loan * Repayment rate / 12
  • Monthly installment = Initial monthly repayment + Initial monthly interest

The loan is reduced with each installment, which is why the absolute interest to be paid must be recalculated again and again and falls in absolute terms over time. As the monthly installment remains unchanged at the same time, the monthly repayment increases.

  • Monthly repayment = monthly installment - remaining loan amount * interest rate / 12
  • Remaining debt = Amount of the loan - Total repayment over the term of the loan

To calculate the remaining debt, I recommend using an appropriate calculator on the Internet such as https://www.zinsen-berechnen.de/kreditrechner.php or Excel. If follow-up financing is required to settle the remaining debt, we start again at "Amount of the loan", select the remaining debt and repeat the calculations from there.

  • Monthly provisions = maintenance costs according to Peters' formula or Gerd Kommer (annual adjustment of the provision to the estimated inflation) + provisions for modernization
  • Monthly charge = monthly installment + monthly provisions

As soon as the loan has been paid off in full and follow-up financing is no longer necessary, the monthly charge corresponds to the monthly provisions. In the event that you want to sell your property in the meantime, you must of course calculate the sales price.

  • Selling price = purchase cost of property + change in value since purchase + increase in value due to modernization - selling costs (brokerage fee, deletion of land charge, relocation costs, prepayment penalty, etc.)

After a sale, you will have to buy another property for your own use or opt for a tenancy with a global portfolio.

Renting a property:

  • Available starting capital = equity - deposit
  • Monthly savings installment = Monthly buyer charge - basic rent

The available starting capital is paid into the global portfolio, as is the monthly savings rate - provided this is positive. If the basic rent exceeds the buyer's monthly charge over time, the corresponding amount must be withdrawn from the world portfolio instead.

  • Monthly withdrawal = basic rent - monthly buyer charge + taxes payable on profit

The important thing here is to take the correct tax into account, which is currently 26.375% on capital gains in Germany, provided there is no church tax liability. This calculation can be carried out with a little effort in Excel and will be made clearer in the second part of this series of articles with an example calculation.

As the value of our global portfolio increases over time, it must be recalculated annually.

  • World portfolio value = (old world portfolio value + monthly savings rate * 12) * annual increase in value in percent

or in the withdrawal phase:

  • Value world portfolio = (Old value world portfolio - Monthly withdrawal * 12) * Annual growth in value in percent

Strictly speaking, of course, the world portfolio does not suddenly generate the assumed return at the end of a year, as is the case here. However, this is only a minimal inaccuracy, as only a relatively small amount flows into or is withdrawn from the portfolio each year. This fact is ignored so as not to further complicate the calculations.

Of course, the rent must also be adjusted to the assumed rent increase at regular intervals in the calculation. More on this in part 2 of this series of articles.

Comparison of buying vs. renting:

When analyzing which makes more sense at the end of the period under consideration (e.g. until the tenant/owner passes away), three main factors play a role

1) Value of the buyer's property

2) Value of the tenant's deposit

3) Will the value of the tenant's deposit increase or decrease?

The easiest way is to compare 1) with 2). If 1) is higher, buying is the better financial decision. If 2) is higher, renting is the better financial decision.

In my opinion, however, it's not that simple. I buy/rent a property to live in. If I were to stay in my property until the end of my days if I were to buy, I am more interested in whether I would have more financial options as a tenant. And this brings 3) into focus. If my deposit value continues to rise steadily after deducting the rent, I can use the surplus for other consumer spending that I would not be able to afford as a buyer. In this case, the buyer could of course sell his property, buy/rent a smaller apartment and use the surplus for himself. But the question is: does the buyer want to do that? Selling a property is always associated with costs, effort and stress, just like moving to a new property. Depending on the market situation, a sale can take months or years and the property for sale may have personal memories attached to it that you don't want to "sell". And all this at an advanced age. A custody account is simply much more flexible than a property and avoids a high cluster risk. If the aim is not to preserve assets, but rather to reduce them, a tenancy may make more sense even if the value of the portfolio has fallen in recent years but is high overall.

I think it is more likely that I will treat myself to more in old age if my portfolio grows steadily - even if a property has a higher value than a portfolio. However, this is an individual decision and can/must be made by each individual. For me, however, it is only in the following constellations that the buyer "won":

  • The value of the property is significantly (!) higher than the value of the deposit at the end of the period under consideration or
  • The value of the property is at least as high as the value of the custody account and the custody account loses value

In all other cases, the tenant the comparison.

End part 1

That's enough theory for now. In the next part, we will put it into practice and calculate a real example!

Is there anything else missing in the analysis? I'm just a layman in this field and would be happy to receive suggestions for improvement => let me know in the comments!

Do you have an exciting scenario that you would like me to calculate for you? I'd love to hear about it in the comments too. I'll be happy to do the math for you in part 3 ( https://app.getquin.com/activity/GEBmMewkKS ) of this series of articles.

Are you facing the decision of whether or not to buy a property for your own use or have you already made this decision? Feel free to share your thoughts or reasons why you have made this decision in the comments.

You can find the 2nd part here: https://app.getquin.com/activity/evjQvBldso

Kudos also go to @Koenigmidas who reviewed the article as a real estate owner and provided valuable input.


[1] https://www.msci-world.de/kurs/

[2] Buying or renting? Gerd Kommer, 08/2021, 978-3593514765

[3] https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/326031/umfrage/miet-und-preisentwicklung-deutscher-wohn-und-gewerbeimmobilien

[4] https://www.laenderdaten.info/Europa/Deutschland/inflationsraten.php

[5] https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2021/html/ecb.pr210708~dc78cc4b0d.de.html



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Here in Swabia only own house counts .... For me as a newcomer very strange .... But of course ... Is also easy when the property is for generations in family ownership and the entire village helps in the construction :)
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@Gally these are also almost the requirements that are currently needed so that this can be financially managed, right?
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@Gally this is always such a horror scenario for me. An acquaintance (fortunately not a close friend) bought an ancient house years ago. They are still renovating and every weekend friends are there to help. Believe when they are through with the renovation, they can start all over again. It's like the Cologne Cathedral ... I really wouldn't like that. Neither as a friend, nor as an owner.
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@GoDividend if you don't earn very well or make a lot of cutbacks, yes, definitely
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@DonkeyInvestor Even if you earn well, you would have absolutely no chance here in the area.
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@Gally schaffa schaffa heisle baua
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@Gally schaffe schaffe häusle bauen 😜
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@Gaylord haha also just chopped pure. The Swabians 🤓
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@DonkeyInvestor well you can also do it differently 10 to 15 years nix renovated and then I have only done everything so I save me from the beginning to start again
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@INOT Nevertheless, in 10-15 years you will need the money to renovate. That has to come from somewhere.
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@DonkeyInvestor yes you are right
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Not yet read everything. But so much for my land. Incl. house (2 floors) and 450m2 land area = 150k € station in 7 minutes walk to reach, 30 meters behind city border with Berlin. Today's price of land here with house 650k-800k. Change my mind. 😉 But I understand what you mean... For me the house is just a lifestyle decision. The kid can get fresh air any time, I can work in the garden, be tan half the year, no Caribbean, have 5 grills on the patio. Small pool enclosed. For me, just after work a paradise and retreat. But yes... I can understand who sees it differently. But let's be honest... at the price probably everyone would have bought. Also at that time, just luck and the bad luck of others belonged to it (land and house was a distress sale, because of separation). As for the maintenance costs. Yes, you have to take them into account. I am just in the situation. House will be 20 years old in 2 years, so the first measures are already starting. Or even modernizations. Just last year was the entrance area with new security door and blinds also on the upper floor. We just had the roof checked again and had a solar system installed. In two years at the latest, the gas, or then heat pump or block heating plant drann... all things that you have to take into account, but just work if you do it thoughtfully and according to plan.
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@InvestmentPapa thanks for sharing your experience! Sounds like a great price you paid. When did you buy, the post isn't anti-buying at all. Actually, it's a relatively neutral comparison, I think 😅. Currently, however, I would actually not buy in the regions I want. More about that in the next post.
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@DonkeyInvestor 7 years ago. Yes, absolutely. What I have read so far was and is just sober observation. You just have to see what period we are looking at. Who builds now, must really have a strong will and nerves. Friends of ours are also building right now... I say: This will be a mistake. They already know that they will have to do a lot of the work themselves. It's going to be tough, and that's when she's working in the public sector and he's a senior engineer. And yet, they're going to flounder there. Of course, we are still keeping our fingers crossed. Only my wife as BauFi specialist, is there itself very skeptical... and that must already say something. 🙄
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@InvestmentPapa yes, that was ultimately the reason why I first became more intensively involved with the topic about 6 months ago. Before that, I was sure all my life that I would eventually live in my own property. To be honest, I don't know it any differently from my family. There has each Ü35 min. a property and some also U35 😅. But extremely high prices in combination with increased interest rates have made me think. Intermittently, I was then completely anti-buying, but now at a moderate 'Depends'. If something suitable comes up, I would still buy today (not building at all, that is completely incalculable). But I think it is unrealistic that there will be a suitable offer in the regions I want in the next few years. Would actually not even have to be rational and financially sensible, but the lifestyle should now also not cost incredibly much more 😅.
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@DonkeyInvestor All important points which you address there. Back then, everyone declared me completely insane when I moved into my own house at the age of 29. 😉 Today, we pay as much for all costs (i.e. repayment, food, water, electricity, gas, etc.) as a 4-4.5 room apartment in Berlin would cost us to rent. Simply still crazy. I can understand people's desire to own their own home. But it has also become correspondingly expensive in recent years. Let's see what in 2-3 years the rising interest rates and the situation on the secondary market for real estate then says...
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@InvestmentPapa with 150k purchase price you mean surely without renovation costs and all ancillary purchase costs? Otherwise, a development of over 330% at today's 650k (would mean approx. 47% per year) at the city limits of Berlin sounds very unrealistic, because Munich (city center), for example, has just managed this increase from 2010 to 2022. After a short research I found as average sqm price in Q2 22 approx. 5.1k vs. 4.2k in Q2 20 for Berlin (total) - would be about an increase of 10% per year and thus more realistic.
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@moonassets No. Wrong. I "bought" my in-laws' house. They got divorced. We therefore "took over" the remaining loan, i.e. paid this as the purchase price. Incidental expenses within the limits, no tax (because purchase among relatives and married). That we "renovated" is the purchase of a new kitchen and some wallpapering. But these are normal costs, which I would have paid if I had moved to Berlin... and yes, it is a dream return.🚀 The land prices have exploded here the last 20 years.
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@InvestmentPapa then the thing sounds logical :) Lucky with the home I would say 🚀
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@moonassets Definitely. In the end "bad luck" for the in-laws, because they already paid 15 years (property was empty for 2 years, tax benefits). The house was then just under 10 years old when we took it over. In so far, as written above, slowly begin the first maintenance tasks, or modernizations. 17 years old house, in 2 years at the latest is then heating system on. But that is bearable with the development so far.
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@moonassets I have found an exposé from 2005/2006. Since the property was sold on average for 176,000€, including house construction. Have also again Boris endeavored. The oldest BRW I find, 2010 was at 100€/sqm. Today we are at 380€/sqm. In-laws may have been still so at 60-80€ / sqm.
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@InvestmentPapa this is of course a completely different twist and should be mentioned. After all, such a scenario is not comparable with normal purchases.
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@ccf for this little eye opener
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@GoDividend in the next two parts will open many more eyes 👀😁
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@DonkeyInvestor na alone the interest rate change with example bill will be the 👀... I have personally said goodbye to the project currently
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@GoDividend me, too. At least in the regions that come into question for me. But I thought you were already a homeowner. Hm, I must have been mistaken.
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@DonkeyInvestor only 1 small apartment which is rented
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@GoDividend ah yes, renting is something completely different than living in it yourself. From a tax perspective alone
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@DonkeyInvestor A blessing from a tax perspective
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Thumb hurts from many scrolling nevertheless exceptionally @ccf
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@KapriolenSonne have blisters on my hands from typing so much. Then I guess I can demand that you at least scroll 😁
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@DonkeyInvestor Forced labor sucks 🙄
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Clearly @ccf for me is my own home not only rent-free in retirement but also my personal insurance . Due to various family-related illnesses, various insurance companies reject me. Therefore remains for me in old age or in case of illness only incidental expenses to pay and in the event of death remains my wife at least the paid-off Bude..... @DonkeyInvestor help again and again gladly
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@Koenigmidas thanks again 🥕
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For me, owning my own home was the best decision, but I also live in a fairly inexpensive area in the country and therefore the financial burden is kept within limits. But can also understand people who prefer to live in rent to remain flexible.@ccf
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur In the second part, you will be presented with a calculation example from the city. This will make your ears flap. The third part then uses changed parameters, which is probably more appropriate for a property in the country. Then it looks quite different again.
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@DonkeyInvestor yes I can imagine, There is not only the gap between city and country but also between the states, I live in Hesse, the highway 45 is 20km away, Frankfurt circa 70 minutes and still cheap. Were with all the trimmings 200,000 euros for 140sqm living space and 800sqm property. Then as an example: Work colleagues who live in Bavaria in the Upper Palatinate pay for about the same far over 500,000 And live almost more rural
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur that sounds mega. I would have bought it too. Congratulations!
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur a dream.. Rural in the Allgäu (🤮 not possible)
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@NeverGonnaGiveYouUp possibly also in the subway 😁
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur 20 kilometers from the highway? It could hardly be more rural.
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@CS7 um yes, goes much further 😅
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So I don't regret building a home for owner occupancy! Compared to the rents in our area, I pay less abtrag than I would pay rent, moreover, by the increase in the imbolien prices our house is worth more than we paid at the time. This lieg but also probably because I have done almost everything myself. You just have to calculate everything is individual and you can not really generalize.
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@JGreenhorn Super. Can I ask when you built and in which region?
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2009 Come from Hesse near Gießen
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@JGreenhorn best time. Everything done right 👍
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Am always in favor of buying but for personal and not rational reasons@ccf
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@SharkAce Yes, it's often more of a lifestyle question. But even then it makes sense to calculate how much this lifestyle costs you
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This is the first time that I forward a getquin post to someone outside
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@leveragegrinding 😍@getquin you see, you don't need finfluencers at all. Just quality posts and people like @leveragegrinding
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A great topic here and as always in life a little too late started to deal with it. The train with the home has unfortunately sailed, because the prices in recent years knew only one direction. We had dealt with the subject in 2020 and should have struck then, but as life so plays we have not found the right property in our village and therefore the topic was buried again. The reasons for this were simply the monthly charges would have been simply too high and we have had no desire to worry about every euro whether you can afford it or not and have therefore remained tenants. But we are still on the subject because we have bought 2 condominiums and you rent maybe this topic is still treated. The most important thing when owning a home to start early to keep the monthly costs low.
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@RealRose In the current situation, owning a home for your own use is indeed financially difficult. This is also made clear in the second part, but exceptions prove the rule. As written, we can not live in the global average, evtl still something arises or becomes attractive in a few years by changed conditions again. The renting of residential real estate I will unfortunately not treat in this series of contributions. Currently I lack the necessary knowledge and I do not know if I will acquire it, because it is not relevant for me at the moment. But in contrast to owner-occupation, renting can be more attractive. The conditions for financing and tax aspects can make a difference here.
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Dat will be my good night story today *bookmark*@ccf I trust you donkey
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@ccf and two 🥕🥕 for it
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@ccf always an emotionally charged topic. Thanks for this mega post
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@ccf but what does a donkey want with real estate? A large piece of farmland brings but much more carrots
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So now I can put my two cents in. My family has a house that was built several decades ago, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use it later. Whether I want to, of course, is another matter. Time will tell. I have also toyed with the idea of buying a property and then renting it out. But I have great respect for the effort and the maintenance costs. Here at home is still some real estate book lying around, I have yet to read, as this is the next area in which I wanted to familiarize myself so slowly. I am an absolute noob in this area. Is in any case totally complex and let's see if the picture eventually becomes a little clearer. Looking forward to the subsequent parts.
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Did the math, it's enough for a self-used tent.@ccf hardworkingass
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Simply @ccf
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@ccf and proud homeowner
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Exciting topic, bookmarked & thanks for that. @ccf My parents have a house, 2 cottages and real estate. I have bought and rented a couple of properties 50/50 with my brother since 2021. But we still live with parents 🤭 Fortunately with us it is not yet an issue if and when we move out 😅
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Thank you for your comments. For myself, there are other parameters, which is why I am currently not buying a property for my own use. Stuttgart has a very fragile real estate market, because overheated and risky in terms of prospects. Here everything depends on Daimler & Bosch and Bosch in turn also on Daimler. Every third or fourth company works with them. If Daimler misses the boat in the next few years, there could be a second Ruhrpott here. That's why I rent myself and buy small apartments for rent in areas that are less risky in my opinion and rent them out - and have little outside capital at the start.
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@ccf 🥕! Thank you for the informative post!
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