
Accumulating versus distributing ETFs and funds... Taxes, advance lump sum and everything that does not have to be paid.

For us investors, investing has become easier in recent years and many things have become simpler in terms of tax, even if they are not cheaper. In the best case scenario, the custodian bank or broker takes care of calculating and paying the taxes. As it is sometimes not so easy to make a rational decision and the "compound interest" effect should not be ignored, here is a short report. I hope it helps some of you with your decision.

The question of whether to invest in a distributing or an accumulating fund or ETF alone should give us a basic understanding of the tax treatment.

What has changed as a result of the Investment Tax Act

When the Investment Tax Act (2018) came into force, a number of things changed and even simplified matters for fund managers and investors. Since then, not only units in domestic and foreign funds are to be treated equally for tax purposes, but also accumulating and distributing funds.

Treatment of domestic and foreign ETFs and funds

Before 2018, the withholding tax for foreign funds was credited against the final withholding tax. For example, if I invested in a share from the USA, the USA was considered the source state - i.e. the country where the taxes were levied. Each state set its own tax rate.

Thanks to double taxation agreements, the withholding tax was limited to 15 percent. However, investors had to pay directly and in advance. Depending on the country in which the share was issued, the withholding tax could amount to more than 15 percent (for example, 30 percent in the USA). Investors were often only able to reclaim the difference retrospectively.

In the case of funds and ETFs, the respective capital management company takes care of refunding the excess withholding tax paid. Investors were still required to make a declaration in their tax return.

Domestic funds are now treated in the same way as foreign funds. Since 2018, 15 percent corporation tax has been levied at fund level. This means that the fund management company pays this directly from the fund assets, which means that dividend payments, for example, are lower than before.

To compensate for this, the law provides for relief for investors. Depending on the composition of the fund, they can expect a partial exemption. Partial exemption means that a certain percentage of the distributions is tax-free. For funds with an equity component of more than 50 percent, the partial exemption is 30 percent. This means that only 70 percent of the distributions are taxed.

The partial exemption also applies to foreign funds. Investors no longer have to declare the withholding tax in their tax return; the data is automatically sent to the tax office.

Treatment of accumulating and distributing ETFs and funds:

As a result of the new Investment Tax Act, accumulating and distributing funds are now also treated equally for tax purposes. Before 2018, distributions were taxed immediately after payment and capital gains were only taxed when they were sold.

This resulted in a tax deferral effect. Although German accumulating funds had to report income equivalent to distributions and pay tax accordingly, foreign funds and ETFs did not have to do so. It was again up to the investors to declare this income in their tax returns.

As these accumulating funds reinvest distributions directly, no tax payments were triggered. Until they were sold, investors could benefit from non-tax-reduced compound interest, while investors in distributing funds could only reinvest the amounts for which tax had already been deducted.

The new law was intended to abolish the tax deferral effect. With the introduction of an advance lump sum, which we will look at in more detail below, a lump sum is paid annually on capital gains.

Accumulating versus distributing ETFs and funds

Distributing funds

With distributing funds, equity and bond income such as dividends and interest are paid out on an ongoing basis. As a rule, the fund value is then reduced by the amount distributed. Depending on the fund rules, income is therefore transferred to my clearing account on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis and the invested assets decrease at the same time. I can then transfer the income to my current account or reinvest it in the fund. The latter may incur transaction costs.

No matter what you choose: The distributions must be taxed.

Accumulating funds

In the case of accumulating or reinvesting funds, income from shares and bonds is not paid out but reinvested. The fund company buys back shares on a pro rata basis. Investors therefore do not receive any extra payouts and no taxes are payable on the distributions. Compared to the distributing fund, which otherwise pursues the same investment strategy, my fund units tend to be worth more with the accumulating fund, as the entire basket of shares is worth more. If, on the other hand, I want to reinvest the distributed taxed amounts in the fund, I own more fund units, each of which is worth less.

This comparison illustrates once again where the tax deferral could arise before 2018. By reinvesting the distributions within the funds, the tax could be saved. Although a higher tax amount was then incurred on sale, the compound interest effect of accumulating funds was previously higher than for distributing funds, whose income could only be reinvested after tax.

In order to establish equal treatment here, the Investment Tax Act introduced the advance lump sum. However, as we will see, this only partially eliminates the problem. In the following, we will take a look at why this is the case, what interest has to do with it and how the tax-free allowance plays a role here.

The advance lump sum

In this section, we will look at some formulas and calculations. It is important to know that investors do not have to calculate and pay the taxes themselves. The custodian bank takes care of this and pays the tax amount directly from the investor's settlement account to the tax office.

Nevertheless, it can be useful to look into the calculation of the advance lump sum. On the one hand, it helps when choosing the respective fund or ETF type, and on the other hand, it is always good to know what has been calculated and how - banks can also miscalculate. However, we have yet to meet an investor who has actually calculated this for themselves.

The key figures

The custodian bank requires four key figures to calculate the advance lump sum and the resulting taxes to be paid. Before 2018, investors had to provide 33 different details in their tax return. Now the following information is sufficient:

  • Amount of distributions,
  • Fund value at the beginning of the year
  • Fund value at the end of the year
  • Type of fund

The basic terms

Before we start calculating, let's clarify a few basic terms to help us understand the advance lump sum and its effects.

The prime rate: This is published by the Deutsche Bundesbank at the beginning of each year for the current year. It is based on the long-term yield achievable on public-sector bonds. Using the interest rate structure data for German government securities with annual coupon payments and a remaining term of 15 years, a was calculated and published for 2023.

The base yield: To calculate the base yield, the fund value at the beginning of the year is multiplied by 70 percent of the base interest rate. This is a fictitious calculation. Multiplying this by the prime rate calculates the "safe" return that can theoretically be generated by a low-risk investment. The 30 percent reduction is intended to offset the costs at fund level.

The formula is therefore as follows: Base yield = fund value at the beginning of the year x base interest rate x 0.7

The base yield is the maximum taxable amount. This means that if the price growth of the fund at the end of the year is higher than the base yield, only the base yield is used. If the price growth is below the basic income and no distributions have been made, the lower value is used. The base yield can never be less than zero.

The advance lump sum: This forms the basis for the taxation of income growth of funds and is calculated as follows:

Advance lump sum = basic income - distributions

The basic income is reduced by the distributions, as these are taxed separately. In the case of accumulating funds, they are generally zero. If the price appreciation at the end of the year is below the basic income, the capital gains are recognized.

If there is a negative result when calculating the advance lump sum, this is set at zero.

Taxes: A final withholding tax is calculated on distributions and the advance lump sum. This means that income from capital gains is taxed at a flat rate and then no longer has to be included in the income tax return - it is settled with this tax rate, so to speak.

The final withholding tax is made up of the capital gains tax (25 percent), the solidarity contribution (5.5 percent) and, if applicable, the church tax (8 to 9 percent). Excluding church tax, it amounts to 26.375 percent.

Example calculation 1: Funds with low total income growth

In this section, we look at how the advance lump sum and the taxes payable are calculated using a specific example. We have illustrated the scenario in the following diagram:


We compare a distributing fund with an accumulating fund. The fund value for both is EUR 1000 on 01.01.2023. At the end of 2023, both funds have a total return of EUR 1,005. The distributing fund will still pay out a dividend of EUR 20, which will reduce the fund value to EUR 980. Compared to the start of the year, both funds have recorded an increase in income of EUR 5.

The calculation is as follows:

Basic yield = 1000 euros x 2.55% x 0.7 = 17.85 euros

Advance lump sum

Distributing = 17.85 euros - 20 euros = - 2.15 euros = 0 euros

Accumulating = 5 euro - 0 euro = 5 euro


Distributing = 0 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 + 20 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 = 3.69 euro

Accumulating = 5 euros x 26.375% x 0.7 + 0 euros x 26.375% x 0.7 = 0.92 euros

What can we conclude now?

In the case of the distributing fund, the advance lump sum is zero, so it is not taxable. However, there is also the taxation of the dividend, which is set at 70 percent due to the partial exemption. Accordingly, EUR 3.69 will be debited from my clearing account at the beginning of 2024.

In the case of the accumulating fund, the advance lump sum amounts to the increase in income of EUR. This is because the basic income is higher and no distributions are deducted. In this case, it is not the notional profit potential that is taxed, but the actual income. And the taxes payable on this amount to 0.92 euros.

As an investor in distributing funds, I initially have to pay more tax due to the dividend payment. On the other hand, less tax is payable when the fund is sold at a later date, as the increase in income is generally lower.

Ultimately, the tax burden should be the same for both types of fund.

Example calculation 2: Fund with high total income growth


We are again comparing a distributing fund with an accumulating fund. The fund value for both is 1000 euros on 01.01.2023. Both funds have a total return of EUR 1,500 at the end of 2023. The distributing fund will still pay out a dividend of EUR 20, which will reduce the fund value to EUR 980. Compared to the start of the year, both funds have recorded an increase in income of EUR 500.

The calculation is as follows:

Basic yield = 1000 euros x 2.55% x 0.7 = 17.85 euros

Advance lump sum

Distributing = 17.85 euros - 20 euros = - 2.15 euros = 0 euros

Accumulating = 17.85 euros - 0 euros = 17.85 euros


Distributing = 0 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 + 20 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 = 3.69 euro

Accumulating = 17.85 euros x 26.375% x 0.7 + 0 euros x 26.375% x 0.7 = 3.3 euros

What can we conclude now?

The tax payments are similarly high for both fund types. This is because the basic income is used for calculating the accumulation fund and this is almost as high as the dividend of the distributing fund.

In the event of a subsequent sale, the difference should even out again.

Example 3: Fund with a total return loss


We are again comparing a distributing fund with an accumulating fund. The fund value for both is 1000 euros on 01.01.2023. Both funds have a total return of EUR 800 at the end of 2023. The distributing fund will still pay out a dividend of EUR 20, which will reduce the fund value to EUR 780. Compared to the start of the year, both funds recorded a loss of income of EUR -200.

The calculation is as follows:

Basic yield = 1000 euros x 2.55% x 0.7 = 17.85 euros

Advance lump sum

Distributing = 17.85 euros - 20 euros = - 2.15 euros = 0 euros

Accumulating = -200 Euro - 0 Euro = -200 Euro = 0 Euro


Distributing = 0 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 + 20 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 = 3.69 euro

Accumulating = 0 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 + 0 euro x 26.375% x 0.7 = 0 euro

What can we conclude now?

In the case of the accumulating fund, there are no taxes at all this time. Due to the loss of income, the advance lump sum is zero. With the distributing fund, on the other hand, the dividend payments are taxed again.

What is important for investors

Although the tax burden should be the same, there are two effects that make the matter somewhat more complicated: interest and the saver's allowance.

The base yield as the basis for calculating the advance lump sum is calculated using the base interest rate that the Deutsche Bundesbank publishes every year. In 2021 and 2022, this interest rate was negative. For accumulating funds, the taxes on the advance lump sum were therefore zero. As a result, tax deferral effects occurred here again. The actual and untaxed income once again benefited from the full compound interest effect.

However, even with an interest rate of 2.55% for 2023, the taxes incurred are always lower for accumulating funds than for distributing funds. There is also a certain tax deferral effect here.

So should you always give preference to accumulation funds? No.

The second component that plays a role in the decision for one of the fund types is the saver's allowance. Every year, recipients of capital income have a tax-free allowance. In 2023, 2024 and now 2025, this allowance is 1,000 euros per person (2,000 euros for married couples). If the fund from the example above is my only investment, I can claim the tax-free allowance here and save a higher amount with the distributing fund than with the accumulating fund.

However, this only applies to smaller assets. For large sums of assets, the tax-free amounts are fully utilized for both types of fund and the effect disappears again.

A distributing fund can still make sense if I want to generate an ongoing income with my assets. I then don't have to constantly sell units and incur transaction costs. However, I should bear in mind that distributions are not guaranteed.

For all the calculators among you who have not yet received a statement for 2024, but still want to know what advance lump sum is due, the base interest rate on 02.01.2024 was 2.29%. 70 percent of the besis interest yield results in 1.603%.


32 Comentarios

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Great post, @Doe!


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@Stullen-Portfolio is that so yes ?
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Thank you for the good contribution.
Take another look at your two sample calculations. A few numbers have disappeared in the text and also in the calculations.

And for the effort, there's a little bit of money. (Don't spend it all at once 🤪)
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@Psychorex thanks, ok I'll add it again when I get the chance. Edit: added again, probably disappeared during formatting.
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Mega contribution! Thank you very much!
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Thank you for your work 😊👍
concluding... governments alway take their share :)
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Thank you for the detailed explanation
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Thanks for the detailed explanation, I'm just getting to grips with the subject and found this easy to understand.
Imagen de perfil
Super contribution! Detailed and clearly explained. 👍
Super contribution !
I've only just read it, unfortunately, but it's a great article. Many thanks for the effort. Unfortunately, there is no real variant here, is there?
If I have understood everything correctly, the accumulator has the advantage that you do not always have transaction costs when you retire as a target example, but as a disadvantage no fixed and secure payouts, and with accumulators the advantage that you do not have to pay tax in - years, you have to pay minimally less tax (see calculation under Figure 3) and as a disadvantage you always have transaction costs later. Is that summarized correctly? If so, the accumulator would be more advantageous for me
Imagen de perfil
@Maddy-0 Well, transaction costs are always a question of which broker. I could well imagine that we will have lower transaction costs in 20-40 years if more and more people invest their money somewhere. But in principle that is true.
@Doe is of course not to generalize, but how would you advise a 20 year old?
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@Maddy-0 Thesausing, stop the savings plan after 20 years and start a new savings plan for another thesausing. If you then need money later, I would first sell units of the ETF you bought later so that you don't have to pay so much tax straight away, because the tax always relates to the unit you bought first.
@Doe So save in one ETF for 20-40 years and another for 40-60 years and take the last one first to defer taxes
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@Maddy-0 Yes, that's what I would do if I were to invest in ETFs.
@Doe That was also my plan. I have now added Nvidia asml and Novo as individual stocks. The aim is to have a maximum of 5-8 individual companies alongside the ETF, and not necessarily the USA. The question is whether this is worthwhile at all. Investing in individual companies and dividends at 21 makes less sense. Of course it's fun to save in $TDIV or $FGEQ and see how the dividend increases. But that only makes sense from 50 or so, doesn't it?
My plan is to use these individual stocks to follow up on crashes or extreme corrections like ASML and companies that perhaps still pay very low dividends, i.e. rather growth
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@Maddy-0 At a young age, it wouldn't make sense for me to take a distributing ETF, but everyone has a different strategy. For example, I don't have an ETF and only invest in companies.
@Doe But normally you are better off with a NASDAQ in most cases, right?
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@Maddy-0 Beating the market is difficult, but not impossible ;-)
I am a newbie and want validation of what I understood.

So if I have dist etf, then I have to pay taxes on dividends but at the time of selling it will be less than acc etf because in acc we are increasing the size of assets so at the time of selling it will always be more than dist etf. However, in the end, taxes will be the same for both.

The difference is when we have negative performance. In dist etf, I paid taxes on dividends and the time of selling if it is negative then I don’t have to pay anything. In the case of acc etf, since I have to pay tax when I sell, and if I sell negatively then I don’t have to pay anything. So I saved the tax that I would pay in dividends?


Now I need some advice,

If I am 29M and have approx 10k portfolio. Adding approx 8-12k per year in the portfolio and having a long-term plan for at least 10-15 years. Then which ETF is better? Acc or did?

I can live without dividends because the investment is from savings.
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@asadkhalid305 yes completely correct. So I would take an Acc Etf.
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I only skimmed through it and may have missed something, but:
Reinvesting funds must also report reinvested distributions and these are taxable as income accordingly.

(Interpretation in Switzerland).
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@GeldGenie should only be a contribution for Germany, I am not familiar with your tax system!
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@Doe I feel discriminated against :-P haha

jk, just wanted to bring it up here and add to it for us CH people ;-)
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Simple Stupid I say to everyone. For pure ETF savers (me not :-) ): stay with the distributor until €1,000/€2,000 and then switch to the accumulator is probably the simplest rule for most people to feel richer from the distribution, even if in many cases the accumulator would be better overall.
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@Papiertiger and what if you want dividends in old age? Or what if something unpredictable happens in life and you need cash? I'm sticking with dividends. My cash, my decision what to do with it. The tax is the fee for my freedom.
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate then you sell part of it. if necessary by moving parts to another portfolio in a tax-optimized way.
Most people in the normal distribution will just about reach the million real value portfolio size or significantly smaller in the payout phase anyway. But everyone as he likes.
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@Papiertiger Yes, of course you can always sell! But maybe there is a crisis and everything is -50%... Surely there will then also be a reduced dividend... Well, everyone has their own considerations! The main thing is to do something, everyone makes their own tactics.
@PalmPirateTechnocrate you can also sell only 2-3% like a distributing one and not everything. there are brokers with distribution plans where you can turn an accumulator into a distributing one
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