Hims & Hers $HIMS (+4.16%) has recently had a strong run:
Performance YTD: +140%
Performance 1 year: +553%
Currently Hims & Hers $HIMS (+4.16%) with a price / sales ratio of 10,6x with an expected annual sales growth of >50% for the next 2 years.
Here you can see the ratio for other selected companies with expected double-digit sales growth for the next few years:
Tesla $TSLA (-1.09%) 11.7x (17% sales CAGR next 2 years)
ServiceNow $NOW : 18,5x (19%)
Shopify $SHOP (-3.07%): 18,7x (22%)
Robinhood $HOOD (-2.76%) : 19,6x (16%)
Intuitive Surgical $ISRG (-4.62%) : 25,4x (15%)
Axon Enterprise $AXON (+4.43%) : 26,9x (28%)
Duolingo $DUOL : 27,6x (35%)
Crowdstrike $CRWD (-5.09%) : 29,7x (25%)
Palantir $PLTR (+3.47%) : 94,7x (29%)
The comparison is, of course, a bit of a stretch, but it is still interesting to see how Hims & Hers $HIMS (+4.16%) stands relative to other companies.
What do you think?