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@Piotr but you still have the feeling to have missed the bottom and so seen the entry then too. Now it runs high, but it also feels wrong to enter now 😂.
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@Piotr There will not be a sharp downward correction
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@TIEJEY why not?
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@TIEJEY can you explain that too?
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@Joris but in general you are invested. Never forces you to invest even more. You invest when it makes sense and you find favorable prices. FOMO is only self-projected
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@MitVerstandzumKapital Because most of the market through inflation etc. is priced in. A small increase of the FED or ECB will change there net so much. But this is only my opinion and also no investment advice. Should it still go down it is also good for me if I can buy cheap 😅😂
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@TIEJEY Well, it's also going more in the direction of recession. The Fed must now just slowly watch the increases. I am here currently too much euphoria in the market
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@MitVerstandzumKapital is difficult to say , most can say little about it one has seen it the last few days in the indexes hardly up hardly down 😅