Banco Santander
Dividendi storici e previsioni
Banco Santander ha finora distribuito 0,211 USD in 2024. Il prossimo dividendo sarà pagato il 02.05.2025
Domande frequenti
Qual è la capitalizzazione di mercato di Banco Santander?
Qual è il rapporto prezzo/utile (P/E) di Banco Santander?
Qual è l'utile per azione (EPS) di Banco Santander?
Quali sono le valutazioni degli analisti e i prezzi obiettivo per le azioni di Banco Santander?
Qual è il fatturato di Banco Santander nei dodici mesi precedenti?
Quanti dipendenti ha Banco Santander e a quale settore e industria appartiene?
Qual è il flottante delle azioni di Banco Santander?
Dati finanziari
- Cap. di mercato
- 69,05 Mrd USD
- 0,827 USD
- Free Float
- 14,87 Mrd
- Rapporto P/E (TTM)
- 5,49
- Ricavi (TTM)
- 139,07 Mrd USD
- Giornaliero
- 4,479 USD4,562 USD
- Portata 52S
- 3,86 USD5,312 USD
Valutazioni degli analisti
L'obiettivo di prezzo è 5,946 USD e l'azione è coperta da 25 analisti.
Banco Santander SA is a banking services company, which engages in the provision of banking services to individuals, companies, and institutions. It operates through the following segments: Retail & Commercial Banking, Digital Consumer Bank, Corporate & Investment Banking, Wealth Management & Insurance, Payments, and Corporate Centre. The Retail & Commercial Banking segment integrates the retail banking business (individuals) and commercial banking (SMEs and corporates), except for the consumer finance and the cards businesses. The Digital Consumer Bank segment includes Santander Consumer Finance, which incorporates the entire consumer finance business in Europe, Openbank, and ODS. The Corporate & Investment Banking segment includes Markets, Investment Banking (Global Debt Finance and Corporate Finance) and Global Transactional Banking, offers products and services on a global scale to corporate and institutional customers, and collaborates with other global businesses to better serve broad customer base. The Wealth Management & Insurance segment includes the asset management business (Santander Asset Management), the corporate unit of Private Banking and International Private Banking in Miami and Switzerland and the insurance business (Santander Insurance). The Payments segment involves in the digital payment's solutions, providing global technology solutions for banks and new customers in the open market. The Corporate Centre segment includes the centralized activities relating to equity stakes in financial companies, financial management of the structural exchange rate position. The company was founded on March 21, 1857 and is headquartered in Madrid, Spain.
- Dipendenti
- 212.764
- Industrie
- Major Banks
- Settore
- Finanziario
- ES0113900J37
- Ticker primario