Dear Community,
Following the events of the last few weeks, I have decided to reduce my US holdings and diversify my ETF portfolio more broadly.
I am currently investing in the $CSPX (-1.34%) and the $AVWS (-1.17%) as an admixture. I no longer hold any individual shares.
I also have a savings plan in place $BTC (-3.21%) and some play money in crypto.
I would like to bring the US share to around the level of a world etf (70.%), so I'm wondering what the smartest approach is.
Option 1: Sell $CSPX (-1.34%) and buying a world etf like $VWCE (-1.18%) or $AVWC (-1.6%)
When selling my s&p etf, taxes would of course be due (currently 25% return). I live in Austria if this is relevant.
Option 2: keep the s&p and buy 1-2 etf in addition e.g. $MEUD (-0.83%) and $XNKY (-1.28%) and save. Here I could of course plan the weighting individually, but it is also a bit more time-consuming in terms of rebalancing.
I would appreciate a few opinions, thank you!