
$EUR (+7,36%)

In my opinion, a share with high risk but also with great potential.

$EUR (+7,36%) has announced to buy back 100,000,000 shares, this is a good sign in my eyes. If EUR really gets all the permits for mining here, I see a good return coming 😎

12 Comentários

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Market cap just over 60 million... Not even a quarter of a million in revenue. Very hot stuff and if a few people from the community put their heads together, we'll move the share price ourselves.
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@Staatsmann Did I hear something about a new community share?
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@Staatsmann Do they have any sales at all? At least on onvista.de it's still at "0". As far as I know, they're not producing anything yet, are they? But maybe you have more up-to-date information than I do 😉 .
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@DonkeyInvestor Let's go. 🚀
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@Zackdela79 According to getquin data, i.e. Thomson Reuters, it is 210k€.
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@Staatsmann Hm, thanks... But 210 K is also almost nothing, I think I just read a quarter of a billion instead of million and thought a KUV of 0.25 is actually top 😁
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no, no sales are currently being generated here, at the moment they are, according to the last quarterly report, shortly before the completion of the feasibility study
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Generally, the mine in Austria will be sold, then a new company will be formed, this will be listed on the NewYork Stock Exchange. European Lithium will then hold 80% of the new share.
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An explorer who spends his money not on exploration, but on price maintenance, would have all the red flags wagging for me for that reason alone. Hands off!
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@Epi Well, all the research and test drilling has been completed in the last umpteen years, now it's just a question of whether they are allowed to mine or not. They themselves buy back the securities, because they think that the shares are currently very cheap.
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@Linderw0rld If they were to assume that the permits would be forthcoming, then they would have to build a lot of reserves to then move forward with the development of the project. They don't. Why? And then where is the money going to come from? My guess: they have no interest in developing the project at all, but want to sell it on to an operator. This is not about mining, but about the quick mark.
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I would give the stock a wide berth!
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