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I would recommend you to start your investment career with MSCI-World or FTSE-Allworld and to save only this as long as your monthly savings rate is still quite manageable. If you can invest more later, you can add additional individual stocks to your portfolio. For the one-time investment it is certainly recommended to first take the $XEOD until you know how much capital you need for your already planned expenses in the near future. However, I would keep my hands off industry ETFs.
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@Dividenden-Sammler Ok, thanks a lot! I have now first of all the majority in $XEON (now but accumulating, since the distribution would otherwise hardly be enough for my 22 shares to invest them sensibly despite 1 € order fee). Apart from that, I now also have 2 $AAPL shares and a Core MSCI World in my portfolio. The monthly savings rate also flows into the latter. I have discarded sector ETFs again.
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@LukasRichter if you buy via a savings plan, you have no order fees. 5% of the MSCI World is Apple either way. Why overweight it again?