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Is halal actually an out- or underperformance factor? Are there any quantitative studies on this?
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@Epi There is but nen ETF to it can look like the performance is. Just do not know how the name but have once seen one had.
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@cashmitkopf Good idea!,IE00B4L5Y983 In the long run, halal seems to be rather detrimental to returns, about -1.5% pa.
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@Epi If you follow the theory "in the long run the market always wins", then the ETF cannot outperform. Here, you do without many sectors - banks, everything that has to do with defense companies, thereby also such things as Airbus, Boeing etc. How you come to -1.5% but I do not understand 😅 The development of MSCI World Islamic is yes under the link the same as the conventional MSCI World - only more blunted. 10J: 140 instead of 170% MAX also similar 😅
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@Epi Sorry I correct, have read too fast there. harmful to the "return": That's right 😅 Kind of "read" something like "money is burned" 😁 The return is less, I agree with you 😁