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@halal_investieren omg I'd rather stick to the basic law, life is too short for mumbo jumbo
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde You don't have to stick to it 😁 Those who want to do it this way, just do it 😉
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@halal_investieren What do you think is higher than the Basic Law or Sharia?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde It's not as if I don't adhere to the Basic Law. There is nothing contradictory in the first place 😉 And as described there, there is no such thing as a sharia. It is much more a method of norm development. Unfortunately, the term is at least in the German-speaking world directly negative, because certain things are associated with it. Just because someone somewhere thinks that is "the Sharia", it does not mean that it is so. 😊
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@halal_investieren Are the Taliban practicing Sharia law or are they infidels exploiting religion?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde Unfortunately, I do not know the subject well enough to be able to judge. But oppressing people is definitely not part of "the" Sharia. Just as there are Christians who misinterpret things and do harm, there are unfortunately also Muslims who do so. Just because there are speeders on the road who endanger people, I don't give up my car. There are just some think they would be on the racetrack, but are usually much less than you think. 2 billion Muslims in the world, who adhere to such rules more or less. No matter if you call it Sharia or not. Fortunately, there are only a minimal fraction who misunderstand. M.E. therefore also makes no sense directly to put every Muslim under general suspicion. 😊
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@halal_investieren why do not you know? Finally, the Taliban are constantly in the conversation, they use Islam or not? I do not find your answer very serious, Afghanistan in the 60s was similar to Germany (women in miniskirts, etc.) today the Taliban rule and Islam prevails, would you like that in Germany?
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde Shut up! What is it with you? If you do not like it then ignore him. I emfinde helal invest also as nonsense but does he harm someone with it? no? In addition, your comparison and the connection with the Taliban and the invested already very limp. Let live as long as you do not hurt anyone.
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@cashmitkopf First of all, I may ask when and what I want, you have nothing to dictate to me. Secondly, I recommend you to consider your statement. Just stay out of it.