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When is part 2 coming? 👍🏼
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@Tobi60 has emptied the depot and set everything to red🎰🚀
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@Tobi60 I hope in the next few days. It's not that easy to reproduce or find out everything. What was in which year, which share did I buy / sell when,... 😄
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@Mister_ultra doesn't have to be exactly right 😉
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@Mister_ultra If you have already entered portfolio performance back to 2013 on an ongoing basis anyway, this should be relatively easy. Especially with many transactions, I find it easier to understand there than at getquin🤷‍♂️
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@DiviFlow absolutely! But Portfolio Performance is really great!

But in addition to the transactions, I always have to think a bit about what situations there were that influenced my decisions or the portfolio, for example. But I'm stepping on the gas 💪😂
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@Tobi60 done, part 2 is live :)