$WETH (-8,95%)
$NVDA (+0,22%)
$RHM (-6,84%)
$MSFT (-1,69%)
$TSLA (-1,09%)
$ALDR (-56,25%)
$AMZN (-1,56%)
$BTC (-5,62%)
$ETH (-8,3%)
$BNB (-6,77%)
$XRP (-8,18%)
$USDT (-0,23%)
$T (+1,29%)
$DHL (-0,8%)
$965515 (-0,55%)
$GOLD (-1,11%)

Discussione su 965515
50% this year 😍
I bought physical gold as coins 2 years ago $965515 (-0,55%)
Is now one of the top performers in my portfolio :)
Are you invested yourself and what is your opinion?

Make clever use of your tax refund: What would you do with EUR 1,613?
Yesterday I set myself the challenge of completing my tax return using the Taxfix tax software and submitting it to the tax office on the same day. The expected result was EUR 1,613.00. To be honest, I had expected a higher refund in tax year 2024 due to the high tuition fees of around EUR 4,240 and other factors. But as is so often the case in life, the tax office and the tax return surprise us in an amusing way. :-)
Imagine you receive an additional capital inflow of EUR 1,613.00 - how would you use this amount? Would you invest in new shares, build on your existing positions, invest in ETFs, go for precious metals or plunge into the world of cryptocurrencies? I look forward to hearing your ideas and personal experiences on this scenario!
Out of pure interest in an exchange of opinions: If you can take a look at my current portfolio, which positions would you consider worth buying in the event of a similar influx of capital? I am also happy to receive the odd humorous comment ;-)
$VHYL (+1,52%)
$FUSD (+0,61%)
$D6RM (+1,56%)
$TSLA (-1,09%)
$GOOGL (+0,19%)
$MS (-1,15%)
$CS (+0,32%)
$NOVO B (-1,34%)
$ASML (+1,4%)
$MUV2 (+0,23%)
$CNQ (+1,19%)
$GGG (+0,8%)
$MC (-2,24%)
$DHL (-0,8%)
$TKA (+1,88%)
$RIO (-1,12%)
$ADBE (-0,14%)
$MPW (+4,65%)
$BICO (-2,37%)
$9866 (+4,37%)
$TECO (-67,57%) (Insolvency filed)
$BTC (-5,62%)
$ETH (-8,3%)
$ADA (-10,79%)
$FET (-15,96%)
$BNB (-6,77%)
$CAKE (-10,13%)
$AXS (-11,26%)

Second tip: Start building up a solid ETF position and run a savings plan on it.
Presentation: My experience, strategy and portfolio allocation
Hello getquin community!
I recently came across this platform and signed up straight away to track my portfolio more clearly. For the most part, entering my transactions worked well, but I had to enter some positions manually, especially my gold savings plans (I use the average price to simplify this). Before I share my portfolio with you and look forward to your opinions and suggestions for improvement, I'd like to briefly introduce myself:
My name is Burhan, I'm 29 years old and I come from a town in North Rhine-Westphalia. I work in the insurance industry and am completing two part-time degree courses at the same time (because free time is overrated 😉):
- Business economist for financial services (until January 2025)
- Business administration with three specializations (until April/May 2025).
My way into the world of (small) investors:
I started investing - or rather, trading and chart analysis - when I was 18. Back then, I invested small amounts in leveraged products such as the DAX or WTI oil. Although I made more profits than losses during this time, I learned an important lesson: it is crucial to regularly check take-profit and stop-loss levels in order to avoid capital losses.
However, I only started investing for the long term in 2019. My first step was a savings plan with EUR 25 per month in a fund from Deka ($D6RM (+1,56%) ) - the first dividend I received was a small sense of achievement for me. Later came savings plans for individual shares ($LHA (+1,68%) and $SHA) and commodities ($965515 (-0,55%)) were added. I also used my employer's capital-forming benefits (EUR 40 per month) to further expand my investment in the Deka fund.
My current investment strategy:
Over the last few years, I have tried out and learned a lot and finally developed my personal strategy:
1. basic ETFs:
With the $VHYL (+1,52%) and the $FUSD (+0,61%) I would like to create a stable foundation.
Individual shares:
Here I deliberately focus on non-US companies (with a few exceptions) in order to diversify my portfolio and reduce the US dominance somewhat.
My selection criteria for individual stocks:
- At least 30 % share price growth in the last 5 years.
- At least 10 years dividend history.
Dividend yield of either:
- approx. 1 %combined with an average dividend increase of 10 % over the last 5 or 10 years, or
- approx. 2,5 %combined with an average dividend increase of 5 % over the last 5 and 10 years respectively.
For example: $MS (-1,15%) / $GGG (+0,8%) / $CS (+0,32%) / $ASML (+1,4%) / $MUV2 (+0,23%) / $CNQ (+1,19%) / $MC (-2,24%) / $TKA (+1,88%) / $DHL (-0,8%)
3. Gold:
My gold savings plan is still running because diversification is important - and a little sparkle in the portfolio never hurts.
4. Cryptocurrencies:
The proportion is deliberately low and I plan to concentrate only on $BTC (-5,62%) in the future. Everything else will probably be dropped soon.
5. Cash:
Part of my capital is in a call money account so that I can react flexibly to opportunities or unexpected events - who knows when the next dip will come.
The aim of the asset class allocation:
- 37.50 % ETFs
- 37.50 % individual shares
- 10.00 % commodities
- 5.00 % cryptocurrencies
- 10.00 % Cash
In addition, a good deal is currently underway to buy real estate (purpose: rental) - I am still curious.
I hope my first post wasn't too long and that you've made it this far! 😉 I look forward to your feedback, opinions and tips - keep them coming!
see: https://getqu.in/uJXyEn/
I would switch directly to the Deka fund. Costs far too much.
You can also invest your capital-forming benefits in ETFs via brokers (e.g. OskarVL, Finvesto, Ginmon, ...).
If you want to reduce your US share through individual shares, why do you have the $FUSD instead of the globally investing counterpart?
With $CS you have the "problem" with the French withholding tax.
🚨 🚨 According to Goldman, China Secretly Buying Up Massive Amounts Of GOLD, 10x More Than Officially ‼️
• According to the Goldman Sachs nowcast of central bank and other institutional gold buying on the London OTC market, October saw centralbanks buy a whopping 64 tonnes in October (vs. pre-2022 average of 17 tonnes), with China once again the largest buyer adding 55 tonnes, which is striking since the official number reported by the PBOC was one-tenth that, or just 5 tonnes. In other words, China is secretly buying up ~10x more gold than it admits.
• Commenting on the surge in purchases, the Goldman analyst writes that "surveys and history suggest that EM central banks buy gold as a hedge against financial and geopolitical shocks" and adds that "central bank purchases will remain elevated because fears about geopolitical shocks have structurally risen since the freezing of Russian reserves in 2022, and because relatively low gold shares in EM central banks reserves vs. DMs leaves room for growth." In fact, 81% of the central banks surveyed by the World Gold Council expect global central bank gold holdings to rise over the next 12 months, with none anticipating a decline.
🚨 As shown on the chart below, what is far more striking is the staggering (and growing) divergence between the modest amounts of gold purchases reported by the PBOC and the far greater amount China has actually purchased on the London OTC market, in a clear attempt to mask its staggering demand for the precious metal, and be extension, its diversification away from the dollar...
Source; www.zerohedge.com

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, predicts a global debt crisis driven by unsustainable economic policies.
His advice? Move away from debt-based assets and invest in hard assets like gold and Bitcoin.
Once a Bitcoin skeptic, Dalio now acknowledges its value as a "gold-like asset" and a hedge against financial instability (while still emphasizing gold’s proven track record).
$BTC (-5,62%)
$MSTR (-7,42%)
$965515 (-0,55%)
$IGLN (-0,52%)
$4GLD (-0,52%)

Time for presents - birthdays, Christmas etc. - but no junk, please!
Hello dear Quinies,
on this occasion, I'm writing a short post today away from what's still in the pipeline from my side.
Our big boy turned 3 on Monday and grandma and grandpa traditionally give him physical precious metal $965515 (-0,55%)
$965310 (-0,72%) ... so far so good.
From grandpa's side, everything is also clear on the subject so far, there is either investment gold in small denominations or silver in whole ounces (of course always bought far too expensively in collection albums from MDM, Bayerisches Münzkontor etc.🙄). Not my money so what🤷🏼♂️.
Problem: Grandma unfortunately only buys according to the look of the collections, not really with a plan for precious metals... which means we get something like this here:
The motifs are of course pretty to look at, but what are you supposed to do with 6 x 9.2g 333/1000 silver anfangen🤦🏼♂️. That's about 18.38g of fine silver... a good half ounce. To be honest, I don't even want to know the price...
So what do I do?
Whenever one of these (exclusively pretty scrapbooks) arrives, I have to take photos, post them on eBay, sell them to someone for a halfway ridiculous price (since there's almost no precious metal in them) and send them off.
Because it's no good as an investment, I don't want to have to store 30 more of these albums somewhere halfway safe and because I think that the money I get from the sale is better off in Junior's ETF savings plan.
What am I trying to tell you?
If you want to give physical precious metal (gold, silver, platinum, whatever) as a gift, please, please pay attention to investment-Qualität🙏🏻 (purity 999.9 for gold/silver or 999.5 for platinum).
It is better to buy supposedly "smaller gifts" (a 1g gold bar in 999/1000 is really tiny😅) that have a real value and retain their value. With small gift bars and small bullion coin denominations, you are effectively still paying a lot more than the pure gold value, but you are giving a sensible gift! Nevertheless, you should not buy bullion coins in denominations smaller than 1/20 ounce, after that the price premiums become more than absurd and it doesn't look great either😉.
With this in mind: Happy giving and receiving (the madness is about to start again).
Greetings, Marcus✌🏻

I'd rather put down a few nice Britannias or Maple Leafs :)
Hi guys do you know where to get into either $965515 (-0,55%) or $4GLD (-0,52%) and where you can have the gold sent to you at some point once you have bought a certain amount? Bitpanda stores the gold physically but probably doesn't send it. Thank you 😃 A savings plan would be great, I don't have the capital to buy a gold bar directly and the seller always charges high fees.
@Epi here we go😉
Brief introduction: I was very undecided about my strategy for a relatively long time and have rethought it back and forth several times and have now finally set up my portfolio (in its current form only this year) with a strategy that lets me sleep peacefully and that I hope will lead to a successful future stock market life. My strategy is also designed so that I have to worry as little as possible about rebalancing and actively do not have to worry about it. The aim of the portfolio is long-term wealth accumulation (10 years+).
About me: 34 years old, married, now 2 children, live in rented accommodation, work in middle management at a private bank in Hamburg, savings rate €1,000 per month, sufficient nest egg available and not tracked here
Strategy: I recently made a final decision in favor of an ETF as the core of my portfolio. The choice fell on the $SPYI (+0,06%) as it tracks large, mid and small caps from industrialized and emerging markets. The ETF should make up 60% of my portfolio in the target allocation. I invest €600 a month in the ETF from my savings installment.
In addition to the ETF, I hold and save monthly $BTC (-5,62%) (physical and ETP $WBIT (-5,94%)) and $WGLD (-0,54%) (also gold physically $965515 (-0,55%) ) with €200 each. The target allocation for both BTC and gold is 20% each.
I have opted for $WGLD (-0,54%) because $EWG2 (-1,14%) is unfortunately not eligible for a savings plan at ING and $WGLD (-0,54%) is also tax-free after 1 year and has a delivery option. My position in physical gold will not be expanded any further.
$WBIT (-5,94%) I deliberately chose this savings plan because it is NOT tax-free after one year (optimization of the tax-free allowance through sales, is not saved, my savings plan only runs on real gold). $BTC (-5,62%) ).
All in all, I hope that the portfolio allocation will optimize returns while at the same time minimizing drawdowns.
Feel free to leave thoughts, suggestions, criticism or praise at da✌🏻.
Greetings, Marcus
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