J&J Snack Foods
Dividendi storici e previsioni
J&J Snack Foods ha finora distribuito 2,985 USD in 2024. Il prossimo dividendo sarà pagato il 07.01.2025
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J&J Snack Foods sta pagando i dividendi?
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Qual è il beta a 5 anni delle azioni di J&J Snack Foods?
Quanti dipendenti ha J&J Snack Foods e a quale settore e industria appartiene?
Qual è il flottante delle azioni di J&J Snack Foods?
Dati finanziari
Cap. di mercato
3,26 Mrd USDBeta a 5 anni
0,64EPS (TTM)
4,495 USDFree Float
15,24 MlnRapporto P/E (TTM)
37,29Ricavi (TTM)
190,30 Mln USDFlusso di cassa libero (TTM)
52,26 Mln USDPrezzi
Valutazioni degli analisti
L'obiettivo di prezzo è 188,50 USD e l'azione è coperta da 4 analisti.
J & J Snack Foods Corp. manufactures snack foods and distributes frozen beverages which it markets nationally to the foodservice and retail supermarket industries. The Company operates through three segments: Food Service, Retail Supermarkets and Frozen Beverages. The primary products sold by the Food Service segment are soft pretzels, frozen novelties, churros, handheld products and baked goods. The primary products sold to the retail supermarket channel are soft pretzel products including SUPERPRETZEL and AUNTIE ANNE’S, frozen novelties including LUIGI’S Real Italian Ice, MINUTE MAID Juice Bars and Soft Frozen Lemonade, WHOLE FRUIT frozen fruit bars and sorbet, DOGSTERS ice cream style treats for dogs, PHILLY SWIRL cups and sticks, ICEE Squeeze-Up Tubes and handheld products. This segment also offers Thinsters. The Company sells Frozen Beverages to the foodservice industry primarily under the names ICEE, SLUSH PUPPIE and PARROT ICE in the United States, Mexico and Canada.
Food Processing
Beni di necessità
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