Allurion Tech Azione
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Qual è il beta a 5 anni delle azioni di Allurion Tech?
Quanti dipendenti ha Allurion Tech e a quale settore e industria appartiene?
Qual è il flottante delle azioni di Allurion Tech?
Dati finanziari
Cap. di mercato
45,80 Mln USDBeta a 5 anni
-0,34EPS (TTM)
-0,877 USDFree Float
48,65 MlnRicavi (TTM)
-71,72 Mln USDFlusso di cassa libero (TTM)
-63,27 Mln USDPrezzi
Valutazioni degli analisti
L'obiettivo di prezzo è 5,00 USD e l'azione è coperta da 2 analisti.
Allurion Technologies, Inc. offers Allurion Program, which is a weight loss platform that combines the Allurion Gastric Balloon for weight loss. The Company offers Allurion Virtual Care Suite, including the Allurion Mobile App for consumers, Allurion Insights for health care providers featuring the Iris AI Platform and health tracker devices. Its health tracker devices include Allurion Connected Scale and Allurion Health Tracker. Allurion Connected Scale offers a complete weight tracking experience, allowing users to monitor their weight, body mass index (BMI) and body composition. Allurion Health Tracker tracks steps, exercise and sleep. Allurion Virtual Care Suite is available to providers separately from the Allurion Program to help customize, monitor and manage weight-loss therapy for patients regardless of their treatment plan, which includes gastric balloon, surgical and medical or nutritional. Its Allurion Programme is offered in six months, 12 months and 12-18 months program.
Software & Programming
Tecnologia dell'informazione
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