Would you rather invest monthly in the $CHDVD to have a good dividend yield in 20-30 years' time.
Monthly in the $UST (-0,3 %) and $VWRL (-0,22 %) and then switch to the dividend ETF later.
Advantage: I then have more capital.
6Would you rather invest monthly in the $CHDVD to have a good dividend yield in 20-30 years' time.
Monthly in the $UST (-0,3 %) and $VWRL (-0,22 %) and then switch to the dividend ETF later.
Advantage: I then have more capital.
Hello everyone
About me:
I have just turned 19 and am still training to be a design engineer. I started investing at the beginning of the year. As my salary is not particularly high, I have not been able to invest regularly until now. I invested what was left over at the end of the month. However, I would like to change this and invest regularly in my portfolio.
My goal:
My goal is to generate passive income so that I can benefit from monthly dividends.
My selection:
A large part of my portfolio is invested in $BMW (+0,39 %) and $MBG (+0,64 %) because they pay high dividends (unfortunately the market has now plummeted). I am also invested in $VUSA (-0,23 %) and $CHDVD because they also pay good dividends, pay out several times a year and because I have heard a lot of positive things about them. With $NKE (-0,46 %) I got a good entry, but I don't know whether I should keep this position or sell it as soon as I have a 10% profit. Regarding $BTC (+2,74 %) I have been decorating weekly for a while, but not again for a long time. I've done a bit of research and reading and have been convinced that cryptocurrencies and especially $BTC (+2,74 %) will reach a new "high". If this is the case, I would exit the position and invest the entire amount in the S&P500, for example (what do you think of this idea?). I have the same idea with $AUDIO (+9,57 %) and $MATIC (+3,1 %) . With $AUDIO (+9,57 %) I already had a previous experience, which ended positively after 1 month and I exited the position. When it fell again later, I got back in, but unfortunately without success so far. However, I have no time pressure and the money invested in $AUDIO (+9,57 %) and $MATIC (+3,1 %) I don't need it and I'm using it to gain "experience". It's good if it ends positively, but if it ends negatively, at least I've learned something from it.
Next steps:
Next, I want to find a stock that pays me dividends in February, August and November. I already have my eye on $AAPL (-0,53 %) . What do you think?
My wish:
I would be happy if someone could give me tips on what I could adjust in my portfolio, possibly also which stocks I should get in or out of and how I should divide my money between the stocks/cryptocurrencies in the future if I were to invest CHF 100 every month.
Many thanks in advance
Hey, what do you think of my portfolio?
Please ignore $SNAP (-0,69 %) and the $SRECHA this was a purchase that I bought over a year ago as a test/fun and I'm just too stingy to sell at the moment 😂
$MSFT (-0,63 %) was a buy at the beginning i bought right at the peak and learned a lesson from that again. I will sell it as soon as possible at a profit and invest that money in the $VWRL (-0,22 %) invest
$ARYN (+0 %) and $LCID (-0,66 %) are purchases that I thought could achieve good growth if I hold them for +/- 10 years.
Otherwise I save the $VWRL (-0,22 %) monthly and the $XNAS (-0,29 %) monthly
From October the $CHDVD will be added. As I simply want to be well diversified in the Swiss equity market 😊
$CHDVD By when do I have to be invested at the latest to receive each dividend payment from 2024?
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