Dear friends of sophisticated investment,
I have been investing for a few years now, albeit more theoretically. Since then, I have mainly made monthly payments into ETFs and would now like to take the next step on the stock market: selected individual shares as satellites to an ETF as a core.
In figures, I plan for the year 2025 as follows:
At my disposal: 1500€
500€ in $VWCE (-0,12 %)
Basically, I try to use the selected shares to balance out the high proportion of US shares in the $VWCE (-0,12 %) somewhat.
I will briefly explain why I chose the following stocks without going into too much detail.
200€ in $NU (+1,01 %) (Brazil)
Banks are an interesting topic in South America. Many of the people living there do not have a bank account. An interesting growth market for companies based there in the FinTech sector.
200€ in $ASML (+1,4 %) (Netherlands)
"In a gold rush, don't invest in gold diggers, invest in shovels" is a well-known quote from André Kostolany, a well-known investor and financial expert. So why not ride the semiconductor trend, but with the company that sells the machines to manufacture them? Semiconductors are needed in all kinds of industries. The market is currently estimated to be worth 611.35 billion dollars and is expected to grow to 2062.59 billion dollars by 2032.
200€ in $NOVO B (-1,34 %) (Denmark)
Humanity is getting fatter and fatter. By 2035, the number of overweight people is expected to increase from around 1.01 billion today to 1.53 billion. The well-known weight loss injection from $NOVO B (-1,34 %) and, of course, medication against diabetes.
200€ in $MC (-2,24 %) (France)
Insane moat, great margins and active in many luxury sectors (right ETF for this company). Due to the rising standard of living in the western world, but also due to a growing middle and upper class in the emerging markets, more and more people can afford luxury products.
200€ in $FTNT (-1,44 %) (USA, I know)
IT security products are becoming increasingly important due to the digitalization of the entire world and, of course, the threat of disputes between countries in the digital space.
$FTNT (-1,44 %) is already a leader in the firewall sector and will continue to grow with this and other competencies in line with the trend.
Any money left over at the end of the month is put aside and invested in the above-mentioned shares when exciting opportunities arise.
What do you think of my approach? What do you think of the weighting of the shares in the ETF? What do you think of the stock selection?
Please let me know and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.
Best regards