since I was kindly invited by @GoDividend to publish my professional everyday life and to pay attention to the listed companies I meet, I would like to comply immediately. :D
Already early in the morning at 6 o'clock rings my smartphone alarm clock (Xiaomi $1810 (-3.5%)). I torture myself amazingly straight out of bed, which would have been unthinkable in the past. Since at least 3 alarm clocks rang every 10 minutes before I got up. Well, I blame it on age.
If I stay in bed longer, there's no breakfast and no lunch at work. So I quickly go to the bathroom, where I then do the classics like $PG (+1.82%) and $ULVR (+3.68%) or also $CL (+3.22%) encounter. There's not much time left, because I have to quickly make breakfast or at least lunch before I leave.
Depending upon Gusto I decide in the morning with the Seat ($VOW3 (+1.19%) ) or $F (+1.37%) to the train station. How does it say nevertheless so beautifully? With $F (+1.37%) away and with the train back. So off to the station and then with the Deutsche Bahn ($FCKU) off to Frankfurt.
The train ride is always very adventurous and at least 8 out of 10 trips are delayed. I could fill whole books with the stories. But that wouldn't be so bad if you weren't in the net desert Germany, where not even the $DTE (+1.4%) has reception.
So, three hours later, I arrive in Frankfurt and walk to my employer, a listed Asian bank, which does not want to be named here out of shyness.
The first thing to do there is of course to install the PCs ($HPQ (-0.7%) and Fujitsu $6702 (-3.57%) ) have to be booted up. Otherwise nothing works.
The operating system is $MSFT (-2.98%) and there is hardly anything else needed. Except coffee, of course.
Well, so completely without $GOOGL (-4.59%) of course and also $AMZN (-2.74%) accompanies me with music streaming through the day. But will probably soon to $SPOT (-6.79%) because Amazon thinks they have to screw their customers (at this point $FCKU2).
If not just the phone from $CSCO (-0.9%) rings, it stays pretty quiet otherwise. Thank God I have no direct customer contact.
In the evening, of course, I go back to the station and, with a joyful glance in the direction of $MCD (+0.78%) and the long line of customers, I'm pretty sure that this company will be in my portfolio for a long time to come. And even though I would never support the outrageous extortionate prices of $SBUX (-3.11%) would never support them by a purchase on my part, I'm happy to see everyone with a cup in their hand somehow helping my passive income.
In the evening it goes with the wife comfortably on the couch. If there's no sports on (and there's always something on), we watch a movie from $DIS (-2.15%) or $AMZN (-2.74%) or. $NFLX (-2.54%) There's no such thing with us. At some point, I have to put an end to all the subscriptions.
Sometimes I still edit a few of my pictures on my laptop $LNVGY (-1.35%) I took with my Nikon on my laptop $7731 (-1.52%) and then it's off to bed again.
I nominate times @Kundenservice and no one else.