🔹 EPS: $0.56 (Est. $0.46) 🟢
🔹 Revenue: $362.6M (Est. $360.14M) 🟢; UP +14% YoY
🔹 Subscriptions & Transactions: $319.6M (Est. $319.45M) 🟢
🔹 Free Cash Flow: $71.6M (Prev. $74.2M YoY) 🔴
Q3 Guidance:
🔹 Revenue: $352.5M-$357.5M (Est. $360.24M) 🔴
🔹 Core Revenue: $317.5M-$322.5M; UP +13-15% YoY
🔹 Non-GAAP EPS: $0.35-$0.38 (Est. $0.34) 🟢
FY25 Full-Year Guidance:
🔹 Revenue: $1.45B-$1.47B (Est. $1.46B) 🟡
🔹 Core Revenue: $1.30B-$1.31B; UP +16-17% YoY
🔹 Non-GAAP EPS: $1.87-$1.97 (Est. $1.78) 🟢
Business Metrics & Processing Volumes:
🔹 Total Payment Volume: $84B; UP +13% YoY
🔹 Total Transactions Processed: 30M; UP +17% YoY
🔹 Subscription Fees: $67.7M; UP +7% YoY
🔹 Transaction Fees: $251.9M; UP +19% YoY
🔹 Float Revenue (Interest on Funds Held): $42.9M
User & Business Growth:
🔹 Businesses Using BILL Solutions: 481,300
🔹 Convertible Senior Notes Offering: $1.4B due 2030
🔹 Share Repurchases: ~2.3M shares repurchased for ~$200M
🔹 New Board Members: Keri Gohman and Dan Wernikoff
CEO René Lacerte’s Commentary:
🔸 "We delivered strong financial results while executing on our vision to be the de facto intelligent financial operations platform for SMBs. We are leveraging our leadership position to empower businesses and expand the depth of our platform."