Tauron Pol Energ Stock
Frequently asked questions
What is Tauron Pol Energ's market capitalization?
What is the Earnings Per Share (EPS) for Tauron Pol Energ?
What are the analyst ratings and target price for Tauron Pol Energ's stock?
What is Tauron Pol Energ's revenue over the trailing twelve months?
What is the EBITDA for Tauron Pol Energ?
What is the free cash flow of Tauron Pol Energ?
What is the 5-year beta of Tauron Pol Energ's stock?
How many employees does Tauron Pol Energ have, and what sector and industry does it belong to?
What is the free float of Tauron Pol Energ's shares?
Market Cap
$1.54B5Y beta
1.06EPS (TTM)
-$0.145Free Float
1.04BRevenue (TTM)
$1.25BFree Cashflow (TTM)
Analyst Ratings
The price target is $1.347 and the stock is covered by 4 analysts.
Tauron Polska Energia SA is a Poland-based company active in the energy sector. The Company’s business is divided into five operating segments: Mining, including coal mining; Generation, including generation of electricity using conventional sources, such as combined heat and power generation, and generation of electricity using joint combustion of biomass and other energy acquired thermally; Renewable Sources of Energy, including generation of electricity using renewable sources; Sale of Energy and Other Energy Market Products, including wholesale trading in electricity, trading in emission allowances and energy certificates and sale of electricity to domestic end users or entities which further resell electricity; and Distribution. On August 12, 2014, the Company sold Przedsiebiorstwo Swiadczen Zdrowotnych i Promocji Zdrowia Elvita Jaworzno III to Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU SA (TFI PZU). It operates Brzeszcze mine through Nowe Brzeszcze Grupa Tauron.
Electric Utilities
Primary Ticker