Today I would like to introduce you to a technology that is one of the greatest technological revolution since the invention of the Internet. The project is being led by the company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) $9432 (+0.27%)a company that could be described as the Deutsche Telekom $DTE (-0.41%) of Japan. From the outside, it seems like a boring quality company, dividend share, safe haven.... But it is much more than that!
Our society is slowly but surely moving towards the AI age. Everything and everyone is connected. However, this also brings problems, because AI requires electricity, a great deal of electricity. It is currently assumed that in the future, an ever-increasing percentage of our electricity production will only be needed for data centers. This costs money and, in most cases, damages the environment on top of that.
This is the reason why NTT has launched the IOWN project (Innovative Optical and Wireless Network) into being. In the meantime, the project has developed into a global initiative with NTT as the initiator, important direct partners such as Intel
$INTC (-1.22%), Sony
$6758 (-2.61%), NEC $6701 (-4.19%) and Fujitsu $6702 (-2.17%)as well as dozens of other partner companies (Google $GOOGL (-0.78%)Amazon $AMZN (-1.21%) , SoftBank $9984 (-0.81%)....).
What is IOWN about?
Today's network technology, which is based on electricity, is to be fundamentally rethought. Instead of electricity, networks with photons (light) operated. This technology will be used in mobile networks, data centers, industry and much more. The APN (All Photonic Network) is currently undergoing intensive testing and expansion.
NTT: "IOWN technologies are expected to reduce energy consumption by 100-fold transmission capacity by a factor of 125 times and increase end-to-end latency (≈delay) by a factor of 200-fold times."
Here is another typical Japanese graphic, detailed but confusing:
The introduction of IOWN technologies would thus solve the biggest problem of our digital society, energy consumption. Not only that, it would also surpass all current network technologies in terms of speed and capacity and capacity many times over. Today's technology is not able to outperform the APN. IOWN represents a technological revolution with a disruptive character an innovation that would be so groundbreaking that anyone who does not adapt it would be at a competitive disadvantage. And IOWN is not science fiction, it is already a reality.
For example, the first international APN was put into operation at the end of last year. In cooperation with Chunghwa Telecom $CHT (Taiwan's largest telecommunications group), stable communication over a distance of 3000km with 0.017sec delay was made possible.
Telecommunications is just one of many applications. The link with AI and quantum computers is also being intensively developed. The government is also supporting the project with appropriate regulatory support and subsidies.
The latest news can be followed on NTT's Research & Development website:
To the NTT share:
The NTT share currently stands at a P/E RATIO 11so it will by no means trading at a premium with regard to IOWN. The core business is very stable (telecoms), which is why the risk is virtually non-existent. Even though IOWN is now a global project, NTT is still at the forefront of the project and holds the most important patents. most important patents APN technology and will therefore also be its biggest profiteer. IOWN technology is very complex and therefore very difficult to copy. There is also no real competition for NTT in this area. However, we will have to be patient a little longer before IOWN is rolled out on a large scale. Until
2030 further commercial applications are to be developed and projects in Japan are to be driven forward. From 2030 IOWN technology will then be rolled out globally. The global adaptation of IOWN technology would also involve high initial costs for setting up the new infrastructure, although this would be offset by the negligible energy requirements in the application. In addition, companies and countries that do not rely on IOWN due to its technological superiority would suffer a competitive disadvantage.
NTT could trigger a new technological revolution with the IOWN initiative they are leading. The technological superiority over today's systems is impressive. The next 5-10 years will show whether the future will run on photonic networks. Even though IOWN has the potential to be a true revolution, NTT would already call it a mini-revolution. as an initiator and technology supplier. As the share is massively undervalued in view of the potential massively undervalued I consider the purchase to be a no-brainer. All we need to do now is be patient and follow current developments!
Not investment advice, of course 🥴
Do you think Germany will reach 50% fiber optics by the time the world switches to APN? 🤪