High-Risk-High-Growth Small Cap Update :)
At $RKLB (-5.71%) everything is going in the right direction at the moment. Up almost 200% since initial investment about half a year ago. And the future promises much more.
$QBTS (+9.71%) Although a leading provider of quantum computing is considerably riskier and very far from profitability, it has finally been posting share price gains for a month now and is recovering.
$AWE (+7.36%) has presented very good figures and is also well equipped for the future. It is a technological niche, but one that it is nevertheless occupying quite successfully.
For more inspiration:
$GRAB (+0.37%) ,$TMDX (+2.97%) ,$LNTH (-1.44%) ,$GRA (-0.54%) ,$6871 (+5.49%) ,$4480 (+2.63%) ,$ACMR (+4.17%) ,$HIMS (+0.37%) ,$IONQ ,$ASTS