$PANR (+5.62%) announced that the results from the Megrez-1 well in Alaska exceeded the company’s expectations. The well encountered an increase in hydrocarbon thickness to 2,425 feet. Which may lead to a 15%-50% resource upgrade from the original estimate of 609 million barrels. Flow testing will begin soon to assess production potential. The well's promising results suggest a larger than expected oil pool and additional zones for potential exploration. The full commercial impact will become clearer after testing, but the initial findings are very encouraging. Also with Donald Trump in office the oil industry is likely to thrive throughout the years to come. $50 a share quickly approaching!
Discussion about PANR
3Dear community, I'm in my early 20s and have been investing since the beginning of the year.
I initially started with a simple ETF savings plan and saved $IWDA (-0.26%)
$CSPX (-0.31%)
$CSNDX (-0.28%) saved.
It was too much for me and $CSNDX (-0.28%) and took it out just under 1-2 months ago and split it between the other 2 ETFs.
I am aware that my ETFs still overlap, but I would like to leave it that way for now.
I've been looking at individual shares recently and have added a few positions to my portfolio over the last few months.
I would like to keep a certain amount of security in my portfolio in the form of my ETF positions in the future. And to boost performance with individual shares, I have been working with $RKLB (-0.29%) and $PANR (+5.62%) somewhat "riskier" shares, but I see potential in them over the next few years.
$KAS (-11.36%) was a penny stock at the time in which I entered blindly (unsuspecting and fresh at the beginning of my investments)
I'm still in training and therefore don't have much budget and still have smaller positions, so we'll see what the future brings.
Criticism and general feedback are very welcome THANK YOU 🤝
The recent news of $PANR (+5.62%) and their beginning operations on its Megrez Well, coupled with 2025 President Trump's endorsement of an Alaska gas pipeline, could positively influence investor sentiment. It is currently at 24.00 yet, I predict it to go above 60.00, maybe even 100.00 These developments and news of $PANR (+5.62%) suggest strong future growth potential, which may lead to increased demand for the company's stock within the next month or two. The earnings report on the 18th of December will also possibly give us signs of a further upward trend.
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