V-ZUG Hldg
ISIN: CH0542483745
Ticker: VZUG
Frequently asked questions
What is V-ZUG Hldg's market capitalization?
The market capitalization of V-ZUG Hldg is 363.86M. Market capitalization is a measure of the total market value of a publicly traded company. It is calculated by multiplying the current stock price by the total number of outstanding shares.
What is V-ZUG Hldg's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio?
The Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio (TTM) for V-ZUG Hldg is 17.00. This ratio helps investors assess whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued compared to its earnings.
What is the Earnings Per Share (EPS) for V-ZUG Hldg?
V-ZUG Hldg's Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the trailing twelve months (TTM) is $3.33. EPS indicates the company's profitability on a per-share basis.
What are the analyst ratings and target price for V-ZUG Hldg's stock?
Currently, 1 analysts cover V-ZUG Hldg's stock, with a consensus target price of 87.00. Analyst ratings provide insights into the stock's expected performance.
What is V-ZUG Hldg's revenue over the trailing twelve months?
Over the trailing twelve months, V-ZUG Hldg reported a revenue of 591.72M.
Is V-ZUG Hldg paying dividends?
Yes, V-ZUG Hldg is paying dividends. The next payment is scheduled for 15.04.2025, with an expected amount of .
What is the EBITDA for V-ZUG Hldg?
V-ZUG Hldg's Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) over the trailing twelve months is 47.99M. EBITDA measures the company's overall financial performance.
What is the free cash flow of V-ZUG Hldg?
V-ZUG Hldg has a free cash flow of 4.24M. Free cash flow indicates the cash generated after accounting for cash outflows to support operations and capital assets.
How many employees does V-ZUG Hldg have, and what sector and industry does it belong to?
V-ZUG Hldg employs approximately 2,086 people. It operates in the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically within the Electronics/ Appliances industry.
What is the free float of V-ZUG Hldg's shares?
The free float of V-ZUG Hldg is 2.11M. Free float refers to the number of shares available for public trading, excluding restricted shares.
- Market Cap
- 363.86M
- $3.33
- Free Float
- 2.11M
- P/E ratio (TTM)
- 17.00
- Revenue (TTM)
- 591.72M
- 47.99M
- Free Cashflow (TTM)
- 4.24M
- 52W span
- $49.60$70.65
Analyst Ratings
The price target is 87.00 and the stock is covered by 1 analysts.
V-ZUG Holding AG is a holding company with interests in developing, manufacturing, and distributing kitchen and laundry appliances for private and commercial customers. It operates through the following segments: Household Appliances, Real Estate, and Corporate. The Household Appliances segment is involved in the household kitchen and laundry appliances plus services. The Real Estate segment focuses on management and development of real estate. The Corporate segment refers to V-ZUG Holding AG. The company was founded on November 28, 2019 and is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland.
- Employees
- 2,086
- Industries
- Electronics/ Appliances
- Sector
- Consumer Discretionary
- CH0542483745
- Primary Ticker
Finance data from FactSet