
$ARR / $ARR (-0.06%) reverse stock split yesterday, best way to update portfolio to reflect the change or will GetQuin catch up and adjust accordingly in time?


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Do I have to transfer my shares myself now or will getquin do it automatically at some point?
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@Staatsmann thanks for the hint, i have to send an email to getquin
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@MasterLars Have you already changed the ISIN? Maybe the reverse split is already stored with the new ISIN.
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@Staatsmann Good morning No I have not changed anything, must be honest I do not even know what to do there
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I've read through it, so in plain English, I have to make a new transaction, as if I bought the shares new. And delete the old ones ? Sorry if I ask a bit clumsy, but in the description is something about swipe for example that does not work at all on my smartphone.
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@MasterLars Tap or swipe the transaction (depending on the device), enter the new ISIN in the top line with the ISIN and save. Alternatively, create a sale for all shares with the old ISIN on the day of the transfer. Sale price is the average purchase price, then create a purchase with new ISIN and insert the original average purchase price per share.
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@Staatsmann @MasterLars I just spoke with Lang & Schwarz: They say it is no longer traded in Germany but only on the NYSE. I.e. all those who trade it via Trade Republic must make a deposit transfer.
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@esbi That's great news. Do you also get a message from TR
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@MasterLars I can not say anything about it. Have also no idea to which broker I may bring the now -.- but it is a decision of the stock exchange Germany so's will be tradable no longer in Germany.
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Was it a Reverse Split or ISIN change or both?
@Staatsmann Both reverse split 5 to 1 and new wkn
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@CKone80 ISIN change is not done by getquin, reverse split is done, i.e. manually transfer to the new ISIN and the reverse split will be done by itself.
@Staatsmann So manually transfer transactions from original ISIN to the new, and GetQuin will sort the reverse 1:5 split?
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@Dan_Mol Easiest way: Just Edit the Old transactions and enter the New ISIN.

getquin will then execute the Reverse Split automatically.
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@Schuckmohuck Goes to the basement, but no idea why, didn't invest there.
@Staatsmann works well - but the historical dividend is currently still calculated incorrectly. With you too?
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@atomixx Hm, may be reposted once the data provider has transferred the dividend data. Can sometimes take time.
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Does anyone know when Trade Public posting happens? 
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Are there any new findings?
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@MasterLars haste already seen is back in
On the old ISN US0423155078 it was written that you delete the old share in getquin and enter the new one as a new purchase.
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Yes, I saw it yesterday, but it took forever and the price has collapsed quite a bit in the meantime. But never mind
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But with the delta recalculation on the dividend does the tax change or does the broker do everything automatically? I have Degiro
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