
3D printing - potential for return on investment😋?

I personally have always seen 3D printers as a cool gadget for smaller models, but the spectrum offers much more! From smaller model making to fabulous house building, there are countless possibilities🤯.

What does 3D Systems😜 do?

🔬 3D printers are developed & sold

🖨 Printing materials as well as the associated software are developed & sold

🙋🏽‍♂️ On-demand printing service on offer

Short Ausflug🚶🏽‍♂️

A decade ago, the hype for 3D printers was enormous, but the dream of consumers being able to print household items or even contact lenses with their own personal printers was quickly put on hold. Today, the technology is popular in medicine and industry, especially for the creation of prototypes🤖.

Is there market potential💰?

Through the development of recent years, the focus of the company has focused on the industry & medicine sector. Exemplary activities are:

🚀 manufacture lighter parts for aerospace.

💍 make molds for the jewelry industry

🫁 dental splints & organs with bioprinting are created

In addition, annual growth of approximately 17% through 2026 erwartet⚡️.

3D Systems - Pros✅?

🗣 More than 500,000 parts are produced by 3D Systems printers every day.

🌎 Is one of the TOP 5 leading companies on the market

👀 Focusing on exciting growth industries

📈 Good development in recent years

What do you think about 3D printing systems, is a 3D printer feasible for a private household use🏡?

Do you already have the company in your portfolio or at the latest today on your watch list🧐?


Source: The Motley Fool, investing.com,


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I am myself sideline for 3 years with 3D printing on the road (3D Stube Minden on Insta look 😅): The market really has a lot of potential, but I do not see that with this company of which I have never heard in all the FB groups. Non-listed companies like Anycubic, Creality and Elegoo are the big players here and the market is flooded with material manufacturers.
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@YTillmann yes man investment decision based on fb groups you must really be a pro
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@PhilVanKunn I have customers who I supply with better results from the cheap China printers because their industrial printers don't deliver the desired result 😅👍
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@YTillmann Yes, it's embarrassing when companies set up printers for several thousand euros and the hobby devices now deliver the same quality
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@PhilVanKunn There are enough companies and institutions that build up print farms with prusa printers. Most industrial printers are overpriced in terms of price-performance ratio. But go ahead and invest. I have a completely different opinion from my 3 years and over 4000x printed objects
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@BovemTrustCorp and by the way: i'm not investing because the company is completely ignoring the private sector. 3d printing in this day and age has long since ceased to be a unique selling point of the industry
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In the area of 3D printing, my focus is currently more on cellink. However, I am currently waiting for a setback.
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@PhilVanKunn well, these are only small niches you're talking about (large machines). Sla/DLP devices are now also widely used in the private sector and Formlabs is already 1-2 years behind in this area. Airtight/waterproof is not a challenge, even carbon reinforced material is no problem from home.

You don't need to try to explain to me that THIS one company is such a clever investment. In my opinion, the share price does not reflect this at all.
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Even "meat" and organs should be possible 👍🏽
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@Zitronexxs Business success is not built on possibilities. You can now print so many things, but not all of them are cost-efficient
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@Zitronexxs if the option is also economically viable on a realistic basis, that would certainly be very interesting 🚀
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@Zitronexxs As far as I know, Organovo is the only (listed) company that has managed to print human tissue (skin, liver).
_ https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioprinter
_ https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organovo
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In my opinion, it is much more worthwhile to look at companies like Texas Instruments, which cooperates with Anycubic.
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@YTillmann also a very exciting company 🚀
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Oder Cellink
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@Brossi also very exciting, but difficult to compare directly with 3D Systems, as the focus is somewhat different 💸
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@Brossi @BoersenBuddy after some back and forth, I also decided in favor of cellink/bico.
But as it was said in another post here: there are a lot of unlisted companies. So enjoy with a little caution I think. I have a small piece in and will look again after the calls.
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Shouldn't voxeljet be interesting then?
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@PhilVanKunn That would be news to me. Voxeljet is a leader in the field of 3D printing
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@PhilVanKunn ah that could be good. I've never actually dealt with the company. Thanks for the info
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Honestly does not convince me as an investment currently. Hmmm...
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@TechMax is an exciting industry but also not my focus💸
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@BoersenBuddy but it's always good to keep yourself informed. 🚀
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@TechMax You said it! 🚀Try to take as much with you as possible
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I find it interesting how many 3d printing companies are mentioned here that I have never heard of in my 3 years of 3d printing. For me, these are all times risky bets, if that times blunt with a few basic ETFs comparisons.
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@YTillmann certainly an important aspect of comparison🚀
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Buy Autodesk. Every 3D print needs a 3D model, and for that you need CAD software. In addition, Autodesk itself is active in many different industries and is virtually diversified in itself.
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@CHEEKSLAPPER69 also an exciting title💸I'll have to take a closer look, thanks 💸
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@Growupslowly is a very interesting technology🚀 I'm excited to see what else is coming 💸
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@Growupslowly remain confident that things will develop positively! let's see🚀
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