Hello everyone. I started my journey on the stock market in April and I definitely don't regret the decision.
(According to GQ since 2022, but I only tested the stock market and Bitcoin with play money of €125, but sold it again straight away and the stock market was then next to nothing).
I'm now in my mid-21s and still live at home. My strategy is to build the basis with the $SPYI (-1.58%) ACWI IMI, and with the $CSNDX (-2.36%) NASDAQ 100 and stocks (maximum 10) that are high quality and buy to hold and should yield good dividends in maybe 20 years (small side income). With $BTC (-0.14%) or altcoins I am currently testing myself and trying to understand it better.
The $CSPX (-1.54%) S&P 500 with €500 per month
This is for a possible house construction in 7-10 years. (I am aware of the risk)
On the other hand, I put €50 in the $IWDA (-1.58%) MSCI World for my parents in 10 years when they retire and €100 in the $VWRL (-1.6%) FTSE-all world as a fixed pension. (An additional €200 per month via insurance-linked provisions such as Rürup and private pensions)
The Nvidia position is only so highly weighted because I got in at 104 euros with my nest egg (2.5k). It was a risky move, but as I don't need any big reserves apart from my car, I thought, why not?
Future goal: continue to expand the base with ACWI IMI and NASDAQ, and also add a few individual stocks that are perhaps not so heavily weighted in the existing ETFs. $MC (-1.12%) LVMH $OR (+0.99%) L'Oreal or $MCD (+0.56%) McDonalds, for example
The only thing I'm still wondering about in my first year on the stock market and don't know...tax.
I was thinking of selling the Nvidia nest egg position to take advantage of the tax-free allowance and have the money safely back in my account. The problem is that Nvidia is currently falling sharply. How do you do this or what is your advice? Or would you rather sell some of the ETFs? Thank you very much!