Challenges, the chain letters of the 2020s
First things first: If you read the headline (yes, the headline is enough), you will only see red numbers in your portfolio. Unless you follow me or respond, comment or share this post. The more you do, the greener your depot will be. Extra points if you use my Ref-Links in my profile and comment and share my old and new posts.
But back to the topic. In the last 2 weeks there were a few challenges here, to which also the old donkey was nominated. I'll do my duty then.
Sports Challenge from @TheAccountant89
5km jogging? Phew, I've never jogged 5km before. With techno dancing like @Lorena I can't serve you with techno dancing either, only Matze comes to my mind. . I'm more of a headbanger to good rock and metal songs, but unfortunately I didn't record the last Circle Pit. My usual training I also do not record, so I just actually put me for about half an hour on the treadmill and ran the 5km. Proof is in the attachment. I hope you are proud of me @TheAccountant89 - especially because I was faster than you 😁!
#bestworst and #bwlifechoice from
You can see my best investment in my portfolio - of course $BTC (-0.98%) with currently +375%. As soon as the Goxcoins land in my wallet this year or next year, this performance will be pulverized and increased many times over - even if the Bitcoin should actually fall to 10k USD again.
My worst investment is coke. To push the purchase price, I buy more every week, but end up at the end of each week back at -100%. @Barsten do you have a tip for me?
The best decision of my life was my distance learning alongside my full-time job. This allowed me to develop professionally and personally and I learned a lot.
The worst decision of my life was my distance learning alongside my full-time job. It cost me my entire 20s.
From @TimundStruppi
My personal favorite challenge. I love the little Nuremberg bratwursts at breakfast buffets in hotels. Especially when you combine them with pineapple slices. Yes, you read that right, you Pizza Hawaii haters! A breakfast is only complete when there are Nuremberg sausages and pineapple. Try this combo the next time you're enjoying a high-end hotel breakfast buffet. Even if it sounds strange at first, it's an unforgettable taste experience!
I'm not nominating anyone for the challenges, we're not in the 90s anymore.