
How I fly First or Business Class on vacation at least once a year - for free or extremely cheap.

I've seen a few people here on GetQuin who use cashbacks, deposits or rewards to reinvest these amounts. If anyone wants to fly on vacation at least once a year for free, here's how. Everything you need for it:

1. digital account that allows deposits via credit card.

2. a Miles & More credit card.

First of all: the "hack" is only suitable for people with higher monthly expenses or people who simply want a little discount on a normal ticket. Anyone who lives with mom and buys two kebabs a month will not benefit from this.

The principle is actually quite simple: I get air miles for every transaction with my M&M Mastercard. The aim is therefore simply to pay almost all expenses that are incurred anyway, such as rent, loans, ancillary costs, living expenses, etc., by credit card.

How do you pay such expenses by credit card? Quite simply, this is where Revolut comes into play. All you need is a current account with Revolut that allows deposits from a debit card. So you debit your fixed costs via Revolut, but deposit the money via your debit card beforehand.

As I (we) have very high monthly expenses of around €5500, my miles account fills up extremely quickly. In addition, my wife has a partner card and as my wife likes to spend (her own) money, a lot of points are added here too. Some promotions such as double miles, promotions from Miles & More partners etc. make it go even faster.

I currently have just under 50,000 points again. The First Class flight to the Caribbean is available for 80,000 points, Business from 60,000 points. As we are on vacation in Europe this year, virtually all the flights and probably the hotel are easily paid for. (Miles can also be credited towards overnight stays) Free vacation covered by current expenses that I have anyway.

Have fun trying it out.

Addendum for people with a fear of flying: treat yourself to DB KK and collect rail points. Upgrades to 1st class are available for a ridiculous 1000 points.

PS: if you want to be really cheeky, check your business emails on the plane and get a €20 travel expense allowance back via your tax return. 🤡


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@GoDividend should I raushauen times how to deduct travel expenses from tax WHILE the employer pays them 100%? 😂 (for example job ticket etc..)
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@Pat83 yes please
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@Pat83 absolutely
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@Pat83 please do it, I need money for K&N
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@Pat83 We are still waiting haha
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@SharkAce right. Completely forgotten. 🥹 as soon as I get around to it.
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if you want more information about Amex, Cashback, Payback, etc., I recommend the following podcast episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/sammel-dich-reich/id1551386884?i=1000563159241
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Are there any costs with Revolut? I've been thinking about using this "trick" for the fixed costs for a while. Theoretically, you could also run the savings plans through this account 👀 Cashback for savings plans 🤤 @ccf
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@SharkAce Transfers to German IBANS are free of charge. You can theoretically run everything through the account, including savings plans. But you can only use VISA and Master. Amex is not possible.
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@Pat83 MAN then I still need a credit card 😂

Maybe after graduation 👍🏼
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@SharkAce then we get the Visa from PAYBACK 😅
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@SharkAce treat yourself, as long as there are no annual fees you can have 20 credit cards. 🤗 You should have a VISA or Master anyway. 😁
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@Pat83 But the M&M has monthly fixed costs of just under €5, or am I missing something?
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@RegularJohn You can also pay for them with your M&M points. Should be possible.
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@Pat83 What about Schufa? Do you know anything about that? So whether KK messes up the Schufa rating
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@Howsy89 Yes, that's right. You can do that as an alternative
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@RegularJohn can be offset with miles. Everyone has to work out for themselves whether the principle is worthwhile. The more you pay with it, the more worthwhile it becomes.
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@GoDividend then you need to check the terms and conditions again. As far as I know, Payback only pays out points on account for a specific purpose. A link to the Revolut account would therefore inevitably lead to termination.
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Two more points: 1) Official list of miles redemption googled and flight to the Caribbean business class costs 120k miles not 60k 2) There is probably also a fee for the flights about 400-600€ for business? So not quite free flight after all?
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@alexbigdeal he's probably talking about the reduced awards aka mileage bargains from LH... and yes S&G is different depending on the airline but also the country of departure...
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@tobilo89 You seem to be a bit into the subject. Is it worth starting to earn miles? I have the feeling it's a lot of "heck-meck" for not a lot of savings.
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Won't your card be canceled at some point? So with Amex and Paypal friends or certain Visa and Revolut flutters quickly the notice in the house.
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@Europoor I would be interested to know 😅 On the one hand, the providers say that every payment counts and on the other hand, it is apparently linked to partners 🤷🏻‍♂️
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@Europoor never had any problems with it. It may be that it contradicts the terms and conditions, but so far no one has been bothered by it.
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@Pat83 Which Miles and mores credit card do you have?
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Travel agencies hate this trick 🚀
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@GoDividend last year Emirates Business Class to Dubai for 380€ instead of 4700€. That's like the "9€ to Sylt" for advanced travelers. 😂
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@Pat83 we need more "life hacks" like this
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@GoDividend Should I tell you how you can deduct travel expenses from your taxes WHILE your employer pays 100% of them? 😂
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@GoDividend Should I tell you how you can deduct travel expenses from your taxes WHILE your employer pays 100% of them? 😂
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@Pat83 of course
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Which credit card do you combine Revolut with?
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Horny post👌👌
And then combine with payback💸🚀
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@FloDiv does not work. Unfortunately, Revolut does not accept Amex. And Amex does not have a Miles & More program either. Only Membership Rewards.
@Pat83 No - you can convert Payback 1:1 into miles. For example, if you shop at Payback partners anyway, why not take the points with you and multiply them with coupons? You can then pay again with your credit card.
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Yes, ok, you can do that. But it doesn't make sense for me personally. Whether I collect Payback points which I then exchange for miles or simply take the miles with me directly, there's no difference. Especially since I have the Miles+ program, 1€ - 1 mile. Unfortunately, most Payback programs only give you 1 point per €2. I think there are more useful hacks for Payback than collecting miles.
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@Pat83 currently there is also 25% on top for the transfer PB>>MM until the end of the month. it is almost worth taking out (newspaper) subscriptions that reach the magic limit of 1c per mile. With the bonus, mileage bargains can be realized for 400€ plus ideally the costs for this can also be paid with a credit card 🚀
@Pat83 you have coupons with 25x points and promotions with 25x points anyway
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@FloDiv yes. 25 points on a purchase over €20 at DM. 🤡 I have to spend extra money on points every time... I have to pay my rent etc. anyway. Whether I want to or not.
@Pat83 yes at DM you get 1:1 once a month a purchase at DM in stock with 40€ = 1000 points for the 25x promotion products and 400 points on the invoice total with a 10x coupon = 1400 points
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Is it really possible to pay rent etc. via KK? I thought until now you can not use it to make a transfer, but only to debit
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@JCM I explain how to do it in the post. 😄
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@Pat83 From how much € turnover is it worth it? After all, the M&M card costs just under €10 per month? Or what am I missing?
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@Gally Gold costs €10 per month. The Blue costs €5. In my opinion, there is no standard calculation for this, you have to work out for yourself when and whether it is worth it at all. If your expenses are low, I would weigh things up very carefully. I have a monthly credit card turnover of just under 5000€ without extras, so it's a no-brainer even if the card costs 10€ a month. A first class flight with Lufthansa can cost €5000 or €8000 depending on the destination. So the €120 a year for the card is nothing. Especially as you don't have to fly first class. Assuming you fly normal economy, the points are enough to pay for the hotel for a week. Even then, 120€ KK fees are peanuts. In general, I would say it's worth it if you cover really high expenses with the card, maybe around €2000 a month.
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@Pat83 clear. Got it ...

But if you now make 5000€ monthly turnover. Then you get 2500 miles per month. That's 30,000 miles per year. How do I get a vacation with that? According to the current list, one person one-way within Europe already costs at least 15,000 miles
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@Gally @Pat83 I would have liked to know that too.
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Okay, it's not worth it for me as a student, but it's saved for when I start my career in September ;)

But thanks for the inspiration!

How long do you keep the points? Do they "expire" at some point?
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Great post and good food for thought for me, since I don't travel that much and still want to have something as a gift, my idea was to use the vivid account and fill it with a cashback KK... reinvest all expenses via the Vivid account and its cashback in crypto or shares. But I don't have the right card, I thought of Payback but only Visa or Mastercard and the Payback Visa only gives 1 point per 5€... anyone have alternative providers?
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Do you then replenish the KK balance via normal billing from any account? Just to understand
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@doddelwa the KK must be linked to your current account, or you still use an intermediate account with cashback 🤷🏻‍♂️
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@Philps8 I am already aware of the link. You still can't declare a KK to your landlord. As I understand it, you transfer the amount of the fixed costs from your credit line to your account (Revolut), which then counts as KK turnover. Normal things are paid for regularly with KK (purchases, for example). But now you still have to balance the credit line of the debit card and I wanted to know whether he does this simply via a monthly credit card statement or via a normal balancing payment or "topping up" the debit card in the amount of the credit line used.
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@doddelwa The M&M website states that the amount is billed monthly and this day can also be adjusted via the web interface. You can also load credit onto the card by standing order.
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@doddelwa As a rule, I compensate immediately. But you can also do this via the monthly statement. But I don't want to because the costs actually took place in the month.
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@Pat83 Thank you!
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Top post!!! Thank you.

1) Deposit via KK found at Revolut, but can only be done manually? Would I have to use your method 1x a month with calendar reminder? There is no "standing order" or other automation?

2) Couldn't you simply top up your Revolut account via the credit card linked to your main account, then transfer money from Revolut back to your main account? And the same again and again in a circle? So just don't use it for rent etc. but transfer it back to the main account?
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How exactly does it work with the fixed costs and the points collection? Do you have any instructions? @Pat83
What exactly does the €20 travel allowance for (private) flights mean? Can you briefly say something about tax? Thank you!
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Is 1 point = 1€ ?
And what kind of card do you need to upgrade to 1st class on the train with 1000 points ?
Thanks for the interesting article!
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why not just send the money back to the credit card after topping up?
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@Pat83 Does the deposit of points into the Revolut account have to be followed by a spending on the Revolut account?
Because if I understand correctly, collecting points with the M&M KK is only about deposits into the Revolut current account. What happens to the money in the Revolut account would not matter to the credit card operator. Or would it?
If that were the case, you could theoretically have a non-stop, continuous cycle of card deposits and remittances.

Set the credit card limit to 10K euros. Deposit 10K euros via the M&M KK to the Revolut account, the KK debits the reference account of Bank X. The 10K deposited in the Revolut account will be transferred back to my reference account at Bank X as a standing order.
And this continues virtually every month until my M&M points account is full.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood something.
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And what if two people who have this credit card keep sending money back and forth to PayPal? I've had this thought before for my Amazon Visa, but somehow I have a bad feeling about it.
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@Pat83 mega tip! Thank you. Revolut account set up, MM card ordered. Question: do insurers or other companies make any effort to debit from an LT account?

I'm currently experiencing the first stress about this.

I look forward to hearing about your experience.

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Fake news... You still have to pay taxes and fees, which can quickly add up to €600 for long-haul flights...
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lets goo!!! from now on also run all business expenses and personnel costs via credit card ahhaha! thanks for the tip
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Can you set up standing orders via Revolut to pay the respective expenses or do you have to transfer everything manually? ->pain 🤔
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Do you have to top up your revolut account every day? I have a limit of 1000€ per day for deposits with Revolut. My monthly limit with Miles and more is 10,000 €. 5500 € spending per month you have to transfer 6 times in the app until you have peace. And then next month again According to revolut can not change it.
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