Are there any costs with Revolut? I've been thinking about using this "trick" for the fixed costs for a while. Theoretically, you could also run the savings plans through this account 👀 Cashback for savings plans 🤤 @ccf
@SharkAce Transfers to German IBANS are free of charge. You can theoretically run everything through the account, including savings plans. But you can only use VISA and Master. Amex is not possible.
@Pat83 MAN then I still need a credit card 😂
Maybe after graduation 👍🏼
Maybe after graduation 👍🏼
@SharkAce then we get the Visa from PAYBACK 😅
@SharkAce treat yourself, as long as there are no annual fees you can have 20 credit cards. 🤗 You should have a VISA or Master anyway. 😁
@Pat83 But the M&M has monthly fixed costs of just under €5, or am I missing something?
@RegularJohn You can also pay for them with your M&M points. Should be possible.
@Pat83 What about Schufa? Do you know anything about that? So whether KK messes up the Schufa rating
@Howsy89 Yes, that's right. You can do that as an alternative
@RegularJohn can be offset with miles. Everyone has to work out for themselves whether the principle is worthwhile. The more you pay with it, the more worthwhile it becomes.
•@GoDividend then you need to check the terms and conditions again. As far as I know, Payback only pays out points on account for a specific purpose. A link to the Revolut account would therefore inevitably lead to termination.