I have no idea. These are two ETFs with different investment strategies. I'm not quite sure what your goal is with another ETF. More passive income or a bet on better performance with an overweight in the USA?
@Luffy3D2Y good that we are talking about this, thanks. I'm convinced that I can't beat the market so I'm going for ETFs and well positioned with the $VWRL. I was thinking more of some additional performance boost...
@fizzelfritz When we talk about a performance boost, we are always talking about a bet that one ETF will outperform another in the future. Depending on your risk appetite, either the S&P500 or Nasdaq100. I personally boost my performance with a tech ETF because I can cope with -50% and see more opportunities and the tech sector is the future for me for years to come. But of course that's just a personal bet. Nobody has a crystal ball and in 5 years there will be a severe virus and the biotech companies will make money without end for several years.
@Luffy3D2Y the computer virus 🦠 then helps the software manufacturers Kaspersky to the Moon