
Milestone reached (again)

I am 37 years old. I worked in financial consulting for 10 years. Studied and trained there.

I have now been the owner of a personnel service provider and other independent projects for 4 years.

What "cash" I have is all in 3 different call money accounts, or I still have some of it in dollars.

I also have a capital contribution from my holding company which is worth considerably more as it has shares in 3 companies and a personal loan (6.5%) which is paid back to me. This is secured with a guarantee, which is why I record it here.

The reason why I reached the milestone again is that I had to pay back taxes and fell below 7 digits.

I only started investing in shares in October 23 and only invest in things that I use myself or see a future in the countries and companies.

So there is no secret, except that I only invest in big and well-known things that I like myself. With crypto, the display here is somehow spinning - the % gains are recorded incorrectly.

I evaluated my portfolio here and got 75%. Cost 9 - risk 10 - diversification 5 - macroeconomic 6

I'm currently reluctant to invest my call money, as we're either ahead of or at ath. I am now considering shorting indices as a hedge.


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Nice. Congratulations. Super portfolio.
Coincidentally, my portfolio also slipped over the 7-digit mark today.
Thanks to crypto 😄
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@ddoc somehow everything feels better then 😅
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It feels like it's just a number on a screen and I'm not telling anyone (except maybe here), but yes it makes everything more relaxed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep it up
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Wow... 400k in cash is quite an announcement. The ath is unfortunately a misconception on your part! Statistically it has been proven that in the long run (10-15 years) the performance of investors who bought on the ath is even better than investors who try to time the market....
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@Testo-Investor I somehow don't trust the roast, I think something serious will happen before the US elections. So I'd rather be in cash than invested. I would put in a maximum of 5% if the ideas are good.
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@theShield I think it will be even more positive with Trump! But cash is king! I'm fully invested... But I only do primarily etfs .... Individual stocks are more critical.... I will now also massively increase my cash holdings in order to go deeper in the event of a slight correction....
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@Testo-Investor I believe that too! But until he does, the Democrats will come up with something serious. Which might shake the market.
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@theShield We'll keep it exciting and I don't want to be in your shoes with 400k uninvested either ... I invested €70,000 in January and February alone and that was quite a lot :-)
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@Testo-Investor There is between 3.55 and 4% per month (invested) in call money accounts, which is still around €1200. At least inflation compensation.
If there is a crash, cash is king
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@theShield exactly, but 10-15% is better .... I also follow a fat investor on YouTube ... he is currently parking €300,000 in msci world instead of overnight money because the return is much better ... also a consideration for parking money
Very nice portfolio! Would maybe add a few more basic consumer goods stocks 😅
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@Hidalidsch good idea do you have a tip for an etf?
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Not an ETF, but I personally find Walmart $WMT a good investment.
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The sum of 60 percent cash and crypto is too high for me. The real portfolio (these are solid companies for me) is around 400k, which is of course a great sum.
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@Ricobuc it's more like 50% cash of which 7.5% is in a loan.
Crypto is so high because it has risen extremely.
But would be willing to put another 5% cash in stocks/crypto.
1.5 is possible this year if BTC continues like this 😂😅
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Strong portfolio.
Could it be that you like to hear yourself talk?
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@Habgieriger_Halunke I have employees and there's no other way 😅😂
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@theShield Talk them up with your portfolio too😂
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@Habgieriger_Halunke yes tell them if they continue to be so diligent it will soon look even better 😂😂 but ne really appreciates the people.
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@theShield have to teach them exactly that. The best thing to do is to give a half-hour presentation at the Christmas party and then sum up by saying: If we continue to stick together like this and really put our foot down, we can achieve our common goal. My portfolio must have at least 8 digits
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Congratulations - many people dream of something like this
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Nice size and nice positions with good returns.
But why so many ETFs? They don't make up a large percentage of your total assets, but still too many, right?
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@Joris I wanted to have Japan Poland and Saudi Arabia in there separately. And some things are duplicated, but the description made me invest. It's more of a feeling than rational. Didn't want larger positions than 5, 7.5 and 10k
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Top 🔝 Depot
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Why do you want to hedge with shorts? You have enough leeway to go long in a relaxed manner. I think your high crypto exposure is a bit risky.
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose precisely because I will not sell and remain long, the shorts would only be used to maximize profits. If it drops soon.
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Why no real estate?
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@Dr27589 I have no idea about real estate and would only want to buy some to rent out, as I don't want to settle. But then the interest rates went up when the capital was "free" and I just didn't put any time and effort into looking for properties. But I would like to buy an apartment building one day, which I could then lend on.
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@theShield Exactly, that was the point: investment properties. It doesn't matter whether interest rates are high or low. When interest rates are high, purchase prices tend to fall, which doesn't make it less interesting for you as an investor. Take a look at the topic - now is a good time to buy :)
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@Dr27589 No, my buddy, a self-made real estate shark with more than 100 residential units, keeps trying to get me to do it, but I just don't have access to it myself, but sooner or later it will probably be inevitable.
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@theShield Then better soon! :) With your buddy you have a great contact person!
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Save some cash in case there is a correction. I'm at 15 percent Bitcoin and think it's high. When are you planning to exit crypto?
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@Ricobuc October November 24 as most of me was invested there and I reach the year holding period only then, or partial sales at btc 71000$ but only in the amount of the investments before October 24 but that is only a small part
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Are you driving a BYD, Tesla, Mercedes, Ferrari or Prosche car now, I'm confused😂🚀
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@Therapeut drive porsche, but don't forget stellantis🤓
But I know I have a penchant for automobile stocks.

Thought e car stocks will do well in the long run. Mercedes always works. Ferrari luxury will never go away.
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@theShield awesome, Porsche would also be a dream of mine. Let's see what happens😂
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@Therapeut At 32 I had -3000€ minus on my account and my ec card was declined at Rewe for a 10€ purchase. Keep going and it will work out
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Very high cash position! Bayer, Alibaba 😱
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Congratulations! Far too much crypto for me personally. But the amazing performance has to come from somewhere...
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Quick question, I see you have Ferrari shares.
Do you follow F1, if so, do you have the feeling that this has an effect on your shares? For example, if you have a good race, do you think the shares will go up?
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First of all, congratulations. Solid portfolio, I'm just missing the consumer staples a bit. Otherwise, I would only expand BRK.B in particular. Finally someone who also has Glencore in their portfolio 🥰
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What kind of salaries do you all have here on GetQuin please 😭
Congratulations on the milestone 💪🏻
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Stable. As a tip. You should not have so much money in the overnight money (indicated with 290k), because only Max 100k are covered by the deposit protection.
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A blatant "YOLO" portfolio for a financial advisor. You'd think it was satire 😂
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30% in Krypto? Not sure ✌️
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Which exchange do you use to trade bitcoin?
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Yes, but you can only say that because you are not 50% in the red like others. If you had bought at 60k back then and then lost 150k you would have been out of luck. So casino, YOLO as you see it. You don't need to know what I choose and I'm not really interested in what you think of me. You have your opinion and I have mine. Can you try to accept them? Or can't you because you're a right-wing Reichsbürger?
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Powerful thing 👍🏼

One question I have though: why do people with 10 years of experience in financial advice only start investing at the age of 36/37?
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Too much crypto. I would get rid of it and spread it across several solid stocks with high dividends. The profits should be taken or hedged at some point.
The BullRun will take care of that, I'm sure you'll get out with a lot of profit 💪🏽
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