Hello everyone,
This topic has probably been discussed before and I'm sure many people feel the same way as I do.
I'm currently thinking a lot about whether it's wise to switch my individual share strategy to an ETF strategy after all. As the father of 3 children, it's certainly more relaxed.
Basically, I really enjoy individual shares. I'm also very fond of dividends and love lots of paydays.
However, I don't have a clear strategy on how best to invest my monthly savings installment of 1500 euros.
Sometimes I invest here, sometimes there. I have savings plans for the very small shares in my portfolio so that the weighting fits again.
There are so many things I can get excited about. Currently BDCs. But I also think the Fidelity ETF is a great dividend solution, for example.
What also stops me from selling everything are the taxes on unrealized gains. I've grown particularly fond of my Apple position. But it actually takes up too much of my portfolio.
How do you deal with the issue of "overthinking" and have you found a solution?
Kind regards