
Question in the round I am still looking for a dividend ETF that pays out in November and then quarterly🐵💵


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I find the $ISPA very suitable, > 5% dividend yield and broad diversification in regions, I also hold some of them. 13% price performance since 1 year also not so bad and TER with 0.46% comparable with others. In addition, with 2.5 billion invested money, it's also an ETF that won't burst like a bubble at some point and your money will be stuck somewhere else. With the glut of ETFs, this will happen quite often in the future.
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@DonkeyInvestor Unfortunately, the topic of dividend ETFs was missed.
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@RSCologne they pay out dividends and are always better than any high dividend ETF
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I don't understand why the payout month is more important than a good and suitable product!
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@GHF The one excludes the other, but zero point zero
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Why does it matter when a distribution takes place?

Option 1: You receive EUR 15,000 once a year
Option 2: You receive EUR 1000 every month.
What would you choose?
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@TechNav Instead of simply answering his question, you always come up with such dull counter-questions. Just answer, that's it.
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@SSIT Do you want to learn to fish or fish?

Also, please distinguish dull questions from rhetorical questions that point to something and don't really need an answer...
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@TechNav It doesn't matter at all. Responding to a question with a (pseudo) counter-question is kindergarten level.

We don't know the questioner's train of thought. But we couldn't care less.
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@SSIT I'll make it easy for you:

It does matter. It's not a (pseudo) counter-question, but a rhetorical question. Using the argument that thought processes are unknown, it's better to ask than to give a simple answer that may be inappropriate.

What's childish here is you getting upset because someone on the internet doesn't answer someone else's question the way you would have liked.
@TechNav It depends on whether it's the beginning or the end of the year.
@TechNav incomprehensible to most people, but I would choose the €1000 per month if that's what I'm looking for.
With the investment next month I might have a different goal and then maybe the 15k p.a. is interesting.
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I have both of these in my portfolio myself:

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$FGEQ Fits the month and is also a pretty recommendable ETF.
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