I want to save up the proportion of the two large ETFs to 25% each and then leave the portfolio roughly the same weighting, i.e. 50% ETFs, 40-45% equities and 5-10% Bitcoin.
I buy and hold and am not entirely sure how suitable some of the current stocks are for this.
On the other hand, there are a few companies that I would like to have in my portfolio for the long term (e.g. $WMT (-0.96%)
$COST (-1.14%)
$AWK (-1.02%) or $VIE (-0.1%) ), but I don't want to have more than 45 individual companies in my portfolio.
What do you think of the portfolio, do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Briefly about me: I am 22 years old and would like to continue building up my assets until I am about 60.
P.S.: The return is not correct. Due to a system error, getquin thought I had sold all my shares in the meantime. Fortunately, my portfolio was actually able to beat the S&P 500 this year and last year🤩