
Before it comes back to profits, every item can be

I actually swore I wouldn't do it this year, but it took me 21 days to break my resolutions again. Of course I'm working with an SL here. It's currently still at €5.2, but I'm considering whether to raise it to €5.8 today, which would mean a pre-tax profit of just under €900 in the worst-case scenario

D-Wave Quantum logo
Bought x8000 at €5.68

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Anyone can post winnings!
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@Epi I don't. I only make a loss 😭
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@DonkeyInvestor No wonder with this crypto-internet nonsense you're running!
Orange trees in Spain; that's the call.
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@DonkeyInvestor Nobody will believe you with your 40000% anyway.
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@Epi but only those with balls post their losses 🤣👌🏻
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@PIXELINVESTOR That's how it is!
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Another tranche like this and you're CEO 😎
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Brave xD
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Crazy 😂 good luck with your trade 🍀🚀
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simply went into a highly volatile and speculative stock with my entire assets
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@Lumimyrsky Not much can happen with SL
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@Lumimyrsky How many strawberry jam sandwiches with honey are there?
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@Lumimyrsky At some point you get used to it. It's just more zeros all at once
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@Max095 well. If something happens or is said overnight, things can look completely different again tomorrow morning. Your SL won't help you any more...
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@He-Man it is automatically sold at the set stop or am I misunderstanding ?
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@Max095 if your SL is undercut after the close or before the close, it will be triggered at this price...
So watch out!
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@ETF_Jesus poah. Jam per loaf 15ct honey 28ct and bread 19ct makes 62ct for one. in total that would be 73290.323 pieces
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@Lumimyrsky I've been full of it for a long time
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@Max095 If the price crashes, you usually don't get out with an SL until a bottom is formed. I don't place any more SLs on volatile stocks. With D-Wave I had the SL at €3.24, triggered at €2.70. $DHER I wanted to hedge with a €15 SL and was bought out at the 52-week low of €14.91.
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@He-Man oha 😮. Really now? Then this whole SL is actually for the garbage can. I thought that was a safeguard.
So let's assume . The share is at 15 and the SL is set at 10. Unless the price drops to 5 on the stock market, at what price do you sell? At 9 a.m. when the stock market opens?
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Good luck and success from the bottom of our hearts
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SL worked, so everything went really well. Unfortunately it was too short a ride but what the heck. After the rise this morning I had upgraded the SL again. Maybe with more risk there would have been more inside
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Ah, you were the one who drove the price up today 😁 how quickly it was up there was how quickly it came down again 😆
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@Semos25 I started buying on Monday and bought the last tranche yesterday lunchtime, so it wasn't me 😀
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The prize goes to the Balve fire department. Or to Viktor for the choral society 🙈😂
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@Tenbagger2024 The fire department has enough money 😉 Viktor is the boss of the oldies, right? They always play at our Mobtags at Schützenfest 😀
Your SL is only useful if you have trading volume. If the news is bad, the start of trading is usually very sharp, as everyone is stopped out by the SL and then it's just thrown onto the market.
If you are sure that something will happen, then get out and look again the next day. Otherwise, stick with it for the long term without SL -> you have to be able to trust yourself.
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@timdocsign is rather to be seen as a short trade. You don't have to explain to me how the SL works 😉 and yes, I have placed several SLs in tranches. I am well aware that there is a risk here too. So far, however, everything is fine
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@stabil_xc Oh well, just keep investing and you'll be better off than the majority of Germans
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