
On VIP angelehnt🤵🏽‍♂️

Vipshop is an online discount retailer which provides branded products for consumers in China. The company offers the wide range of products from women's clothing, men's clothing to household goods & lifestyle products with a product range of more than 17,000 brands👔.


💻 Distribution, product sales & the offering of goods on the online platforms.

💥 With the help of the flash sales model, limited quantities of discounted branded products are sold online for a limited period of time

🧴About lefeng.com products & services are offered to consumers ( specializing in branded cosmetics, health products, etc. )

Nice 2 know🧠

💰 Within the last 7 years, the turnover has increased sixfold

🎯 Profit margin is around 5.4%

🏦 Debt corresponds to 6.3% of equity with continuous reduction

🙃 Return on equity is around 20.4%

Existing demand in China💸

👨‍👩‍👦 With a population of around 1.4 billion people and a GDP per capita of around USD 10,000, China is one of the largest consumer markets in the world.

🏋🏽‍♀️ China announced 5 year plan & further clarified strengthening domestic markets

How do you see the future vol Vipshop, do this have potential🎯?

Is the title represented in your portfolio or does it at least make it to your watch list🧐?


Source: The Motley Fool, finanzen.net,
investing.com , Marketscreener


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China 🆘😭
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What brands are offered?
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@TheDividendCollector e.g. Adidas, Vans, Puma, Nike, Disney etc.... a look at the front page of the website gives a short overview-> https://www.vip.com
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@Tmxpy was worth a little excursion🎯
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@Dividenden-Paule Good question...if anyone has more/better information, please let me know🙃
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