Alright folks, this is the end-of-year update on how my portfolio is doing at the dawn of 2024.
I will be looking at the goals set out at the beginning of the year (which was updated a couple of times throughout the year). I will also look at the dividend payouts for the last month of 2024 as well as going over the plans for next year.
As a reminder, these updated goal for 2024 are:
Total amount invested: 160-170k$ (initially 130k$)
Dividends/month: 500-600$ (initially 400k$)
1000 shares of $SCHD (before the split, 3000 shares after the split)
So, what is the situation on the last day of the year? Well, in short it seems like we've done alright. 😉
Total amount invested as of 2024-12-31:
>170k$ ✔️
>800$ (avg. as per last 7 month) ✔️
>600$ (avg. as per last 12 month) ✔️
of $SCHD as of 2024-12-31 ✔️
This earns us a check mark for each of the goals set out early in the year, which is just insane, especially due to moving the goal post multiple times throughout the year.
So, what happened dividend-wise in Dec. 2024?
Well, the short answer is we did well and reached a new high with 1281$ payout in a single month. This is despite me making a mistake in accidentally selling out of my $JEPI position, as my Trailing-Stop was triggered in mid Dec.
I did repurchase about one third of that position but decided to put more in $SCHD (in order to meet the above-mentioned target), as well as $O (+1.77%) , because I do think they will recover. This also allowed me to reach one 'unofficial goal' of more than 430 shares of Realty Income ($O (+1.77%) ), as this equates to 100$/month in net dividend payout. I do own 557 shares of $O (+1.77%) as of today, which is more than 130$/month net (or two new shares every month).
Let's now look at whats in store for 2025 and beyond.
I did just sell one of my properties and once the money comes in at the beginning of March 2025, I am planning to do one of two things.
Invest in another property (as I will be relocating to England)
Invest the money in the stock market (and maybe some more risky assets, like $BTC (-0.07%) )
A mixture of 1 and 2
There will also be a steadier stream of income (new job) that will be used to make further investments.
For those of you following me, probably know that I aim to have 50k$/ year generated from mainly two income streams. Now and in retirement those will mainly be dividend payouts and rental income. With the remaining two properties I generate about 2k$/month so that another 2k$ must be done via dividends. This is roughly 2.5 times what I generate now, meaning that my portfolio needs to increase by that factor (assuming the positions and their dividends remain the same). That points towards a portfolio of about 430k$.
I am very tempted to choose option 2 (from above), because then I'd be more than where I need to be portfolio-size-wise.
Any advice, please let me know. Keep in mind, for me safety wins. So please don't suggest putting everything in the latest meme-coin. 😉
This makes it slightly more difficult to put exact numbers on the 2025/2026/2027 plans, but roughly the following numbers should be achievable:
Total Investment: 230/290/370k$
Dividend/month: 1100/1400/1700$
Anyways, that's all for now. Happy investing 📈, happy compounding💸!
Happy New Year everyone and may 2025 be good for you, your family and your portfolio.