Money market ETF - USD vs EUR
I currently have about 50% of my assets in call money and time deposits. Yes, not smart, but I can sleep well with it. That's not the point.
As it's around €2 million, I've spread it across various call money and fixed-term deposit accounts using Raisin. That's semi-comfortable.
I'm thinking about putting everything into a money market ETF, i.e. $XEON (+0.01%) .
Then I thought to myself: Why EUR? Most of my shares are held in USD and I'm not so convinced about Europe at the moment anyway. So I searched for USD money market ETFs and found the biggest one:$FEDF (+0.55%)
you can find almost nothing about it in the forum here. The returns in recent years have been much better.
Wouldn't you go 50/50 or doesn't that make sense?