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Invesco FTSE All World ETF
Discussion about FWRG
18Portfolio feedback
I am starting my investment journey and trying to pick good options to invest in. First question would be the difference between $VWCE (+0.01%) and $FWRG (+0.05%) , invesco seems to have less companies, but has better performance in 2024. I would appreciate any help. As I am 18 years old now, I would like to have small to no bonds in portfolio
FTSE All World ETF - which one?
I'm thinking about moving from the $VWCE (+0.01%) to the $FWRG (+0.05%) as it has a lower TER. I know it won't make a big difference, but in the long run and the bigger my portfolio gets, it will make a difference of a few euros. In your opinion, why not go for the ETF with the lowest TER? I usually only read about Vanguard here, but not about Invesco. Many thanks in advance.
$FWRG (+0.05%) with a cost of 0.15% this is my new alternative to $VWCE (+0.01%)
The big world ETF guide
The big world ETF guide
Reading time: approx. 12 min
Anyone entering the world of investing and wanting to start investing often wants one thing above all else: Simplicity.
A globally diversified ETF offers just that: an uncomplicated way to participate in global economic growth at low cost without having to familiarize yourself with complex investment strategies. But when it comes to choosing the right global ETF, many beginners are faced with the question: Which is the right one for me? me?
In this article, I will introduce you to various options for building a diversified world ETF portfolio. We start in the first section with the "one ETF for everything" solution, which is particularly suitable for investors who prefer not to deal with the topic at all. These one-ETF solutions can be saved like a piggy bank and are probably the most passive form of investment.
For investors who find the single-ETF solution too boring or under-complex, we turn to so-called multi-ETF solutions - i.e. investment ideas that include several ETFs. In the final section, we will take a closer look at a special variant that can be considered complex and requires more activity.
If you are a beginner, you can safely stop reading after the first section on the one-ETF solution, as this section contains all the information you need for a simple but effective investment in ETFs. The interested and advanced reader will then get their money's worth in the last section.
Let's start with the simplest of all conceivable options: one ETF for everything. But even with the simplest form of building a world portfolio, it's the small but fine details that count. Each variant includes specific ETF suggestions with which you can realize such a one-ETF solution.
2.1 MSCI World
Probably the best-known world index is the MSCI World Index. This focuses on the largest companies in the so-called developed markets. The index contains the 1500 largest companies from 23 industrialized countries and comprises around 85% of the market capitalization of the world's industrialized nations [1]. The USA has by far the highest weighting, accounting for around 70% of the entire MSCI World Index. The second-highest weighted country is Japan with around 6%, followed by the UK with around 4%. German equities account for just over 2% of the index. The largest 10 positions - with illustrious names such as Microsoft $MSFT (+0.3%) Apple $AAPL (+0.29%) or Nvidia $NVDA (+1.35%) - already make up 24% of the overall index.
The easiest way to invest in the MSCI World Index is via an ETF. The most cost-effective option is the Amundi $MWRD or SPDR $SPPW (+0.07%) which only incur annual costs (TER) of 0.12% [2]. These are accumulating ETFs that do not distribute the income from the individual shares but reinvest it at fund level. If you prefer regular distributions, you can also choose a distributing ETF such as $MWOE (+0.09%) or $HMWO (+0.01%) you can also choose a distributing ETF.
2.2 FTSE All World
Another classic in the field of world indices is the FTSE All World. In addition to the industrialized countries, it also includes so-called emerging markets (emerging markets). The index includes the 4000 largest companies from around 50 countries [1]. In addition to the industrialized nations, the index therefore also includes shares from China, India, Brazil and Taiwan, for example. The total weighting of the USA in the FTSE All World is around 60% and the 10 largest positions account for around 21%. About 90-95% of global market capitalization is covered by the FTSE All World.
The biggest difference to the MSCI World Index is that the FTSE All World also includes emerging markets and is therefore even more broadly diversified worldwide. According to [3], the cheapest accumulating ETF on the FTS All World Index with an expense ratio of 0.15% is the one from Invesco $FWRG (+0.05%) . However, the FTSE All World ETF from Vanguard $VWCE (+0.01%) enjoys enormous popularity here on Getquin (@Lorena). Distributing variants would be the $FTWG (+0.01%) from Invesco or the $VWRL (+0.01%) from Vanguard.
Probably the most broadly diversified index is the MSCI ACWI IMI. The somewhat unwieldy name stands for MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) Investable Markets Index (IMI). This comprises over 9000 shares from industrialized and emerging countries.
The biggest difference to the FTSE All World apart from the fact that the number of shares in the index is more than twice as high, is that the MSCI ACWI IMI also includes small caps and thus achieves an even broader diversification. According to MSCI, the index covers approx. 99% of global market capitalization.
With an expense ratio of only 0.17% and at the same time the only accumulating ETF on the MSCI ACWI IMI is the $SPYI (+0.09%) from SPDR. The distributing variant has also been available since June 2024 $SPSA (+0.14%).
In my opinion, the MSCI ACWI IMI the all-in-one package when it comes to broadly diversified global investing. I therefore personally use the $SPYI (+0.09%) and the $SPSA (+0.14%) for my child's custody account.
The following chart provides an overview to illustrate this:
Recently no longer available for purchase via Scalable... Is this only the case for me or for you too?
It works via Zero...
Back again - military, new job & updates!
Reading time: approx. 2 minutes
Hey guys! đ
It's been quiet around me for a while, but now I'm back and happy to give you an update on why I've been so inactive lately. A lot has been going on, both professionally and privately. But don't worry, I haven't been completely inactive on the stock market front either - there's some exciting news there too.
Where have I been? Military, job change & relocation
First of all: I was away in the military and that took up a lot of my time and energy. You know how it goes: little free time, lots to do and hardly any time for other things. But now the chapter is closed again until May next year.
I've also moved house - so I've not only moved a lot mentally, but also physically. New apartment, new city, but everything went well. At the same time, I also changed jobs, which took up a lot of my time. I am now with an embedded finance company which is super exciting. If anyone has any questions about this area, please let me know - I'm currently learning an incredible amount myself and I imagine that some of you might also find the topic interesting.
Stock market updates: Acquisitions & Biggest Win
But enough of my personal stuff, let's get down to the essentials - the stock market activities! Despite everything, I was able to make a few purchases:
- $BTC (-0.07%)
- I continue to see potential here in the long term. - $ETH (-0.17%)
- It remains a core component of my crypto portfolio. - $SOL (-0.52%)
- I have added a little here after some recent fluctuations. - $FWRG (+0.05%) - Fundamentally Well-Rounded Growth (jokingly đ)
- $PAWS (+0.24%) - The sustainable investment solution. đ
- $JEGP (-0.67%) - To be saved more regularly in future.
And now to the Biggest Win:
My investment in $RSGN is going like clockwork. You can find my articles on this under the title. I am (unfortunately?) the only observer/investor. The share price has developed steadily, demand remains stable, partly due to the limited supply of shares in the order book. I am holding on to my position and still see great potential here. I'm really looking forward to the next company updates and where the journey will take us!
Pain point: Coinbase & Swissquote
Where there is light, there is also shadow - and for me it was definitely Coinbase and Swissquotethat gave me a headache.
- Coinbase was buying and selling every day for a long time - for no reason at all. You can imagine how confusing that was! Fortunately, I was able to fix the problem by reconnecting. Since then it's been back to normal, but it was definitely a pain.
- SwissquoteAbsolutely the hate! The connection was erratic, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. After I reconnected it, new errors popped up while old ones were fixed. I currently have a deviation of around 5% in the depotwhich I still have to sort out. A constant up and down that is really driving me crazy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Performance: Satisfied
Overall, I am satisfied with my performance. On the whole, my portfolio has performed roughly in line with the market. I see this as positive - in these turbulent times, that's not a bad thing.
I hope you found this update helpful and interesting. It feels good to be back in the forum and I look forward to your comments and discussions! How are things going for you on the stock market? Have you had similar problems with platforms like Coinbase or Swissquote?
Happy investing and see you soon! đ
Coinbase worked on the API a few weeks ago. There were problems with some platforms with a connection there.
What exactly are you doing at Embedded Finance now? Analysis? Sales?
Saving up: Gold + All-World ETF
Hello dear community,
I have a question for you on the subject of long-term saving and gold:
I have 6 savings plans with dividend ETFs running, always two per payout interval with growth ETF and high payout combined. In addition to the DIV ETFs, I also have REITS and BDCs for dividends, which I would also like to expand further. Of course there are overlaps!
I feel comfortable with this and would like to continue saving in this way:
DIVIDEND ETFs | January, April, July, October
$ISPA (-0.05%) + $EXX5 (-0.68%)
DIVIDEND ETFs | February, May, August, November
$FUSD (-0.12%) + $IMEU (+0.11%)
DIVIDEND ETFs | March, June, September, December
$TDIV (-0.12%) + $VUSA (-0.12%)
Now the question arises for me: how can I diversify even further or save in an accumulating manner?
The following would be considered
$EWG2 (-0.86%) and then also sell tax-free after a holding period of at least 1 year if the trend is positive and generally $FWRG (+0.05%) save bluntly and leave it. Possibly also $BTC (-0.07%) via Bitpanda or similar (not via Neobroker)
What is your opinion on saving the Invesco All-World and gold in addition to the dividend ETFs, as compensation when there are general price slides?
Have you looked at how many companies are in the ETFs you already hold? An all world is virtually unnecessary. If anything, an emerging markets could still be included.
You can do gold. But gold is not necessarily an investment that you can sell after just one year. Of course you can, but it's not ideal for that.
Hello community!
I'm quite new to the investments world, but I've studied a bit and I'd like to have an additional opinion about how to invest my money.
I have 20k euros to invest, and I plan to add 400 euros every month.
I plan to let this money grow for at least 20 years or even more.
I have decided to invest in I decided to invest in an All-World ETF and my choice fell on $VWCE (+0.01%) (I have also considered the $FWRG (+0.05%) which has lower TER, but also lower fund volume and higher spread).
But I'd like to add one or more (not to much) ETFs to boost up a little bit the performance and I was thinking about some ETFs on the Nasdaq100 or the S&P 500 indexes (like $SPYL (-0.12%)
$SPXD (-0.13%)
$VUAG (-0.12%)
$VUSA (-0.12%)
$EQQQ (+0.17%)
$UST (+0.17%) ).
What do you think about this idea? I have read that there is an overlap problem doing this but I'd like to have more opinions about it.
I think also that would be nice to have some money coming from dividends for everyday use, but I haven't searched nothing and it's not essential for me.
Have you got any suggestions?
Thank you in advance
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