- Rank
- #692
- Market Cap
- $55.35M
Circulating Supply
Frequently asked questions
What is the rank of Aleph Zero by market capitalization?
Aleph Zero holds the #692 position among cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization. This ranking reflects the relative size and significance of Aleph Zero compared to other digital assets in the crypto market.
What is the market capitalization of Aleph Zero?
The market capitalization of Aleph Zero is $55.35M. Market cap is calculated by multiplying the current price per coin by the number of coins in circulation.
How many Aleph Zero are there?
The circulating supply of Aleph Zero is 302,314,000.00, which is 58.14% of its maximum supply. This figure represents the number of coins that are currently available and can actively be traded in the market.
What is the maximum supply of Aleph Zero?
The maximum supply of Aleph Zero is 520,000,000.00 coins. This is the total number of coins that will ever be created, serving to limit inflation and ensure scarcity.
How much of Aleph Zero's maximum supply is already in circulation?
Currently, 58.14% of Aleph Zero's maximum supply is in circulation, amounting to 520,000,000.00 coins. This indicates how close Aleph Zero is to reaching its maximum supply limit.
- 1D span
- $0.181$0.186
- 52W span
- $0.172$1.622
Aleph Zero is an enterprise-ready, high-performance blockchain platform with a novel, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-based consensus protocol that has been peer-reviewed and presented at an ACM conference. To date, Aleph Zero raised $15m for continued development, integrating with the Substrate stack, and expanding the team. In 2022, Aleph Zero plans to enable privacy-enhancing features based on secure multi-party computation research and zero-knowledge proofs.
- Symbol