- Rank
- #203
- Market Cap
- €255.64M
Frequently asked questions
What is the rank of AIOZ Network by market capitalization?
AIOZ Network holds the #203 position among cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization. This ranking reflects the relative size and significance of AIOZ Network compared to other digital assets in the crypto market.
What is the market capitalization of AIOZ Network?
The market capitalization of AIOZ Network is €255.64M. Market cap is calculated by multiplying the current price per coin by the number of coins in circulation.
How many AIOZ Network are there?
The circulating supply of AIOZ Network is 1,147,403,329.00. This figure represents the number of coins that are currently available and actively traded in the market.
- 1D span
- $0.241$0.264
- 52W span
- $0.259$1.221
AIOZ Network is a DePIN for Web3 AI, Storage and Streaming. AIOZ empowers a faster, secure and decentralized future. Powered by a global network of DePINs, AIOZ rewards you for sharing your computational resources for storing, transcoding, and streaming digital media content and powering decentralized AI computation.
- Symbol