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Great contribution. I'm familiar with the arguments you've listed. Nevertheless, I will continue to rely on distributors: I plan to reduce my working hours by 10% in the 2 years. For this, the depot should already counterfinance with cashflow. Only Thesaurier and hump until retirement to get then ne cancer diagnosis does not fit for me. Everybody has to define his own strategy. I leave a @ccf there. @Simpson what do you say as a dividend grandmaster?
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@TopperHarley yes, if you want to get something from your dividends soon and that is part of the final calculated strategy, I would not do it differently today.
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@TopperHarley well I always say several roads lead to Rome and everyone must choose his way 😁 I feel very comfortable with my strategy and will not change anything, even if I were 18 I would still start with cash flow shares, maybe I'm also a bit oldschool but for me an investment must yield coal 😁 I have my strategy and go my way and do not want to wait until retirement like you and reduce the working time, although I still work full time but the possibility that you could reduce the work somewhat is simply liberating 😁