Hello, my best man! As positive and inspiring as you always publish your interesting posts, you will also overcome this difficult situation. I know it's easy to say, but every pain passes - sometimes faster, sometimes slower.
Through my many business trips, I can tell you one thing: yes, it is unusual to tackle certain things alone, but I have also grown beyond myself in the process. You wouldn't believe how productive I was sometimes without the distraction of my wife 🙈😛. Suddenly I had time to read up on certain topics or look things up.
Enjoy the time, don't brood too much and don't look back too often. Your new chapter begins now. I send you strength! 💪 @Testo-Investor
Through my many business trips, I can tell you one thing: yes, it is unusual to tackle certain things alone, but I have also grown beyond myself in the process. You wouldn't believe how productive I was sometimes without the distraction of my wife 🙈😛. Suddenly I had time to read up on certain topics or look things up.
Enjoy the time, don't brood too much and don't look back too often. Your new chapter begins now. I send you strength! 💪 @Testo-Investor
•@Danibanani Your power has arrived. My t-shirt just exploded at dinner. Sitting here naked now, thanks :-) the women like it hahah ... yes but even more productive? Where should the journey go then... I know... to the mooooon !!!
But hey, the alone thing is pretty cool. Day 1 lousy, but day 2-3 great ... Another medium today because I got a message from her at night saying "I'm sorry" aha .... But top again tomorrow.
But you can get used to doing everything on your own... I do that anyway ... except for vacations and weekends.
But hey, the alone thing is pretty cool. Day 1 lousy, but day 2-3 great ... Another medium today because I got a message from her at night saying "I'm sorry" aha .... But top again tomorrow.
But you can get used to doing everything on your own... I do that anyway ... except for vacations and weekends.