
Hello, my beloved Testo crew,

It's been a bit quiet around me the last few weeks, but I can tell you that I'm feeling better again and many thanks to everyone who has thought of me in the meantime.

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend broke up with me and a few things came out afterwards that really threw me for a loop.

As a result, I spontaneously booked a vacation this week and am now travelling alone for the first time in my life. I can tell you it's very unusual, but a pretty cool experience.

You can be sure that there will be some crazy posts from me in the near future. You won't get rid of me that quickly.

I'm looking forward to it . Keep your chin up until then, your testo investor! 💪


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Then enjoy the time and sort yourself out! Always going further, higher, faster is somehow empty in the end. In life as in investing. Sometimes fate forces you to realize that. It's a good time to reflect. 🦉
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@Epi 100 pro! You know the saying what doesn't kill us only makes us tougher...
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@Testo-Investor But I didn't mean sorting and then continuing to run at full speed in the same direction. 😅
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@Epi that anyway, I have a lot of work to do in some areas :-)
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@Testo-Investor You can handle it! 💪
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@Epi oh, I am grateful! Creating is out of the question. I'll come out even stronger!
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@Testo-Investor And at some point you'll burst with strength? 💥 😅
You can't do without strength, but strength isn't everything.
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@Epi That's probably true. Money is also important hahahahaahahah 😂😂😂😂
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Hello, my best man! As positive and inspiring as you always publish your interesting posts, you will also overcome this difficult situation. I know it's easy to say, but every pain passes - sometimes faster, sometimes slower.

Through my many business trips, I can tell you one thing: yes, it is unusual to tackle certain things alone, but I have also grown beyond myself in the process. You wouldn't believe how productive I was sometimes without the distraction of my wife 🙈😛. Suddenly I had time to read up on certain topics or look things up.

Enjoy the time, don't brood too much and don't look back too often. Your new chapter begins now. I send you strength! 💪 @Testo-Investor
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@Danibanani Your power has arrived. My t-shirt just exploded at dinner. Sitting here naked now, thanks :-) the women like it hahah ... yes but even more productive? Where should the journey go then... I know... to the mooooon !!!

But hey, the alone thing is pretty cool. Day 1 lousy, but day 2-3 great ... Another medium today because I got a message from her at night saying "I'm sorry" aha .... But top again tomorrow.

But you can get used to doing everything on your own... I do that anyway ... except for vacations and weekends.
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Hi Testo,
I'm so sorry to hear about your girlfriend!
You are a fighter and you will get through this difficult phase überstehen❤️
Take all the time out you need and then come back stronger💪
I'm already looking forward to your future disturbed but awesome posts🤪

Dig in and keep your chin up too!
Have a nice vacation too!
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@stefan_21 will be done my best ! Thank you 💪💪 light weight baby
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Cheer up! Recharge your batteries and clear your head. I look forward to reading more from you soon.
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@Ash Thank you my best! It will be done, you can count on it
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Enjoy the time, listen to yourself and recharge. You need strength to continue to delight us with your posts for a long time to come!
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@Charmin will be done boss ! You can count on it
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All the best for now, keep your chin up and try to enjoy the time! 💪🏻🧡
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf Thank you very much, I'll do that to the fullest 💪💪
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Good to hear that you're feeling better geht🙏🏻
Still kinda sucks when things go like this but hey, so what, what doesn't kill you makes you härter💪🏻
All the best to you bro, enjoy your time off and the new experience that comes with it, clear your head and come back stronger, you can handle it😎.
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@All-in-or-nothing thanks Marcus, I will do the same! Very nice of you!
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By the power of Grayskull 💥🗡️

Stay strong and hit the barrel a bit now!

Best regards from the most powerful and strongest man in the universe 👍🏻💪🏻
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@He-Man we stick together! Bam
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Sometimes you only realize things when you see them from a different perspective. I think that some things have to happen, why? That's the question.
Focus on your own life, at some point you will look back with a smile. Because the most reassuring feeling is inner peace towards the other person.
In my estimation, you'll find that too.
Cheer up, there are still sooooo many women out there.
We look forward to reading from you 🤝
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@Aktienorang-Utan Thank you for the strong words !!! Yes, it is normal at the beginning ... after 3 years of relationship from 100 to 0 is just unusual, but that will also lie. I also have strong personalities here who are fully behind me! Mega
Remember: bro’s before ho’s.
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Use this situation as an opportunity to improve, my dear. See it as a lesson and an opportunity to get better. Above all, continue to grow in character. Because character is all that matters, the rest builds on character. Character is the only thing that no one can take away from you 💪🏽
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Always firmly inside
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Stay brave my dear.
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Take it easy and you'll come back even stronger than you already are!
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Treat yourself!
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I feel for you. I went through this a year ago and apparently, like you, it was garnished with an unpleasant departure of the fair lady. My thoughts on this, if you're interested:

1. the stress cost me 10 kg of muscle mass back then, which then had to be put back on 😅 Since you're also on the iron, do better than me.

2. you'll be hearing from her more often 😉 It's unlikely to stop at this one message from her.

3. "No contact" is usually very sensible, especially at the beginning. And if there's no other way. Reply "Polite, friendly, unaffected".

I hope you can still enjoy your vacation.💪🏼
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A wonderful time... Reflect and also focus on your very own inner self... this time-out is perfect for that... Just be yourself.
See you then.
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When the world fucks you, fuck it back harder.
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Think about you a lot.
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Women come (in your case certainly several times per round). Women leave. But the BTC price only goes up !!!

(Joking aside: I'm sorry, it's never nice! But time heals all wounds 💪🏼 stay strong)
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Where are you? I did the same thing
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Now the gym really counts colleague 💪🏻🔥
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