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I am smart and provide for my own old age 😄💪🏼 man of honor that you open people's eyes that there is nothing free.@ccf
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@ProjectTenbagger Joar somehow you always pay. With the Payback and Amazon card, for example, via data and with Crypto com via the use of CRO.
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@Europoor is also the issue with credit with negative interest. 1000€ at -0.5%. That means with a term of usually maximum two years I get 100 € free. If a company would have to buy the data that I give here for 100 €, it would have to put about 160-200 € on the table. I've read a detailed study here. The bottom line is that you give away your data for half as much as it's worth. Actually, it's a stupid deal 🤔.
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@ProjectTenbagger Especially since the data gives out without getting the loan. Most portals collect the user data first and then reject you for this offer condition and give you a normal interest rate.