Portfolio Feedback

So my friends

In the last post there were around 8 SOS marks on my post and really only one person who was of course negative towards #crypto Crypto, with whom I have discussed and hopefully convinced this person (I have not received a reply, so I think so 😂).

Here everyone now has the opportunity to press SOS to go to the news section and explain their position.

My strategy in a nutshell (a bit more comprehensive in the last post):

I hold #bitcoin for life as a store of value and because it will be the future currency -> An example: it is limited (not like #fiatgeldsystem that is based on trust💀😂). The alt coins are almost all short to medium term in this crypto period and will all go to zero, but by then I'm out and have taken out sugary sweet profits.

If there are more questions I'm available and the same for factual discussions.



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Do you know what the most dangerous thing is when you start your "stock market career" in a bull run?

You tend to think that you've got the hang of it and understand how investing works.
But it's just luck to have started at the right moment. But you only start to understand and learn when things aren't going so well.
Nevertheless, have fun with your crypto profits!

PS: "I'll hold BTC as an investment for life" AND "will be the currency of the future" says a lot about your understanding - sorry but it had to be said🤣
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You won't get far here with a portfolio like that. We are mostly investors and your portfolio is simply a big gamble. The way you write is also extremely unsympathetic and preachy, which is why nobody wants to discuss it with you.
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Hi Mr Dunning Kruger:)
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Arrogance has already cost many people dearly
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Bitcoin will be currency, e.g. because it is limited. 😭
Oh dear
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It's always relatively exhausting when someone tries to convince you and doesn't realize that they may have gotten themselves into something. Many crypto disciples are particularly intense and believe they are acting as saviors. But I ask myself the question: why invest in anything (whether crypto, shares or anything else) for a lifetime? What is the point of investing without the intention of selling?
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The finite nature of Bitcoin reminds me of the shaky foundations of the gold standard, which used to be something like the "kingdom of uncertainties". Our fiat money system, on the other hand, is like a reliable friend who always has enough money to spend. In contrast, Bitcoin is like an unpredictable circus clown that bounces back and forth in an uncontrolled whirlwind of value and then suddenly vanishes into thin air, only to reappear later and scare people.
Bitcoin is based on nothing but air and promise, and its wild fluctuations make even roller coaster rides look like walks in the park. People put their faith in it because they simply have too much free time on their hands and like to gamble with their savings. But honestly, would you trust your savings to a digital joke pushed by anonymous online gurus?
In comparison, gold is like a faithful dog that has stood beside us for thousands of years and never loses its value. Gold has seen the world, survived crises and is still used as a currency and store of value. It's solid, reliable and there's no denying that owning a treasure chest full of gold coins is simply more glamorous than a digital wallet full of zeros and ones. When it comes to security, stability and real value, gold is the clear winner over this digital circus called Bitcoin.
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Investing in BTC is also only based on trust and the hope that everyone else will also invest in BTC and want to use it as a currency at some point
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Bitcoin will be the future currency "because it is limited"?
Can you explain that? I don't understand it at all.
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