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Thank you very much for your post! The effort you put in is one thing. Wrapping it all up and writing it down in a way that is easy for the reader to understand is another.

A post that clearly demonstrates the added value of this forum!
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@KevinE Thank you!
The whole thing has probably benefited me the most. I have been freed from a few misconceptions and now know that my occupational pension scheme is worth nothing, despite the good insurance conditions. That probably saved me a few 10k€. In this respect 👍

After 1.5 years in my occupational pension scheme, I have a return of just under €1000 or +20% on the deposits. Knowing now that these profits will go entirely to the state and the health insurance companies is really bitter. And the fact that it doesn't matter how much return I make, the profits always go to the state is a mess. I have to come to terms with that now. And then I'll draw the consequences.